30 Days of Content

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Thu, 08/11/2022 - 15:26

Over the next few days you'll be creating 30 days worth of content for your social channels. 30 sounds like a lot! But you can find a page full of ideas in your Social Media Planner, and you can also use everything you’ve written in your Weekly Planner.

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First up, Social Media Manager Jazzy talks about what makes a great social media feed, and the power of finding your “vibe”.

Once you have created your content, you can post it using scheduling tools like Later, HubSpot and Hootsuite. If you don’t want it to go live just yet, then you can schedule it to go out in a week, a month or whenever you’re ready.

Now it’s time to get started. Jump into your Social Media Planner, check out the 30 Days of Social Media Content page, and create your 30 days of content! You’re welcome to use a combination of those ideas and your own.

Remember, once you have created the content, you can post it using the scheduling tool Later.

Tips for content creation:

  • Make sure your content is made up of images or videos with caption copy to go with them. We've compiled a folder of content to give you a bit of a benchmark of quality.
  • Trying visiting social pages you like/follow and modeling some of the content you create from posts that have been successful.
  • Canva has heaps of different templates for all social media channels, including templates for Instagram Reels.
  • If you’re creating content for your own business and you think it’s worth subcontracting someone to help you out, check out freelance platforms like Fivver or Unicorn Factory to find writers, designers, logo-makers, and heaps of other creative experts.
  • If you don't have a CTA (Call To Action) on your social media posts, you will miss out on conversion. Tell your audience what you want them to do, whether that’s answer your quiz, vote for their fave product, or check out your website. Don't post just for the sake of it! 
  • If you use any of the special functions that Social Media channels create, like Stickers, they’ll reward you by giving your post further reach. 
  • Whether you’re hosting a Live or just posting a product photo, remember to interact with your audience! Social media should be social, so you want to create a conversation. Make sure your captions and/or images are engaging and inspire people to comment - it’s great for your algorithm too.

Post screenshots or links to your content to your thread in the Module 3 Practicals Forum.

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