100 Sources of Traffic

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Thu, 08/11/2022 - 15:27
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So you’ve got a world-changing product or a service, and you’ve created a world-class brand… But no-one is buying from you. What’s missing? You need Digital Marketing.
Digital marketing means getting your product or service in front of people who actually want to buy it, with the help of digital media.
In this course, you’ll learn how to identify your dream customers, understand their “buyer’s journey” and how they move through the “marketing funnel”, and launch the most effective digital campaign to convert them into buyers.


One of the most common complaints that new business owners have is that not enough people see their products. They think “if only people saw my products, they’d buy them!” 

The real problem is that people aren’t buying what they’re selling. But what’s the reason for that? 

  1. People are seeing their products, but their offer or the product itself isn't good enough.
  2. They don't know their customers well enough, so they don’t know how to target them or where to find them.

There are always communities of people talking about your area of expertise! Chances are, you just haven't tapped into them as well as you could.

1. Complete this document (make a copy by going to File > Make a copy) to build your 100 sources of traffic. Please don’t get in touch with the people in the document, this is solely for learning purposes! 

  1. In a fresh document, create an outbound script to send to your 100 sources of traffic. You will need separate scripts for everyone you’re approaching, ie influencers, bloggers, media, friends, other small business owners etc.

Here’s an example of what you might send an influencer. You can see that it reads like a template! So you want to make sure it feels a lot more personal to the person you’re contacting and to your business.

Hey (first name)

My name is (your name) and I wanted to touch base with you. We're about to launch (insert product). I've been following your content for a while and I'd love to be able to send this as a gift to you and, if you’re interested, jump on a call once you've had a look.

I completely understand you're busy so no worries if you can't get back to me, but if you are open to this please send me your postal address and I'll get it over to you as soon as you reply.

Have a good one.

Cheers, (your name)

For other traffic sources, have a think about what sort of strategy you would employ to try and tap into them. For example, you might reach out to a Blog website to see if you can submit a guest blog post. 

Here’s some links to the digital tools mentioned in the video:

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Keywords Everywhere
  3. SimilarWeb


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