Self Development 2

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Thu, 08/11/2022 - 15:35
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For today’s activity you are going to record yourself, so line up whatever you need to do that: a phone, a camera, a laptop camera… that's fine, whatever works.

Film yourself practising your opening greeting and the accompanying facials in multiple steps.

Take 1: 

  • [Press record] With little to no preparation, you’ve been introduced to someone and need to introduce yourself. The lens of the camera is that person you’re greeting – greet them now and introduce yourself. 

Watch it back – and let’s pick it apart with questions like: did you smile? How do you smile? Does your smile reach your eyes? Do you make eye contact? Do you shake hands?

How do you stand? What is your posture like?

Take 2: 

Thinking about the answers to the questions above, press record and start to adjust your posture, how you hold your body, your face, and deliver your greeting again. Have a couple of goes.

This is just like in the movies when the awkward teenage boy is practicing in his mirror to ask the popular girl out to Prom. It takes practice. And without seeing what your face does in the mirror – how will you know?

Watch it back – did you pick up any physical differences in yourself. Did the physical changes impact your voice or the delivery of your greeting?

Upload your video to a private YouTube or Drive and post a link in your thread in the Module 6 Practicals Forum.

We learn better with a little encouragement and discussion. Check out the videos of other students and leave a comment on their posts too.

Have a look back through the practicals forums for modules 1-5, to remind yourself of some of the people on the course who you may have interacted with so far. Make a list of the people you have interacted with. Write one thing you know against the names that are familiar to you that you have picked up iso far and connected on. 

If you don’t know something about someone, or it is blank, think about “why not?”

Were you shy to ask? No opportunity to connect?

The purpose of this exercise is to practice purposeful connection. If you haven’t connected with someone, find a way to do it – even lead with “hey I realised I haven’t really connected properly with you, and I’d love to know a bit more about you and what makes you tick”. A great way to do that is by sending them a direct message or creating a video call. 

*You don't have to know/write something next to every name*. This is about creating whanaungatanga.

If you're happy to share these practicals, post to your thread in the Module 6 Practicals Forum.


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