Shopify 101

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Thu, 08/11/2022 - 15:41
Sub Topics

Follow the steps below and choose your practical based on your current circumstances.

  • Step 1: Set up a 90 day free Shopify account.
  • Step 2: Check out this video where Hepa & Jasmine walked us through how to set up a Shopify store in real time. The tutorial starts at 00:18:30. 
  • Step 3: Choose practical A, B or C.
  • Step 4: Create a PayPal account (if you haven’t already).
  • Step 5: Read this blog to optimise your landing page.


Create your own Shopify Store

  • Make sure you’ve watched this video. If you need a reminder of the process, you can find the checklist that works for your situation here.
  • Use the video and/or checklist to set up your store here.
  • Once you’re happy with your store, share your store URL to your thread in the Module 2 Practicals Forum.

How to Set Up a Dropshipping Store on Shopify - Part 1


How to Set Up a Dropshipping Store on Shopify - Part 2

  • Choose a store name and the product you want to sell. 
  • Add the extension to one of the Dropshipping apps like Oberlo via Shopify apps. 
  • Create a product description, price the item, and use the appropriate images to sell your product. 
  • Design the homepage/landing page for your Shopify website, displaying your product.
  • Add any further information to help sell your product. 
  • Ensure the website is functioning from start to finish. It can help to try navigating through your store as if you were a first-time customer.

When you’re happy with your store, share your store URL to your thread in the Module 2 Practicals Forum.


  • Try creating a discount code for your product for customers to use. 
  • Think about why someone would want to purchase from you rather than a competitor. What makes your store better? Do you make that point-of-difference really obvious in your store?


  • The key tip to remember with dropshipping is that your product needs to be more affordable than competitors. This is how dropshipping ultimately works. E.g. If Nike sells a pair of leggings for $100, you then sell your leggings for $65. 
  • When choosing your product…
    • Think outside of the box. 
    • Think about current or up-and-coming trends.
    • Think about current events in the world which could lead to a particular product being in demand. 
    • If in doubt, think about your personal hobbies and interests and the products that you wish were more accessible.
  • Make sure you’ve watched this video. If you need a reminder of the process, you can find a checklist that works for your situation here.
  • Test anything new you learned today on your active store.
  • Once you’ve done that, share your findings to your thread in the Module 2 Practicals Forum:
    • what works well?
    • and what do you think will help you gain more sales?
    • include a link to your active Shopify Store in your post.

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