
Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Mon, 08/22/2022 - 03:12

Welcome to CUADES413 Develop and Extend Design Skills and Practice.

As you begin to develop your skills at obtaining and developing conceptual and technical expertise, and developing an individual style in your design practice, you will evaluate your progress in your own work tasks and develop your own unique voice. In industry, designers continually refine, develop, and evaluate their own conceptual and technical skills, so that they can improve.

Research, experimentation, and collaboration are key factors in this process, and you will practice all three during this module.

As you begin to develop these skills, you will be able to recognise your own unique design abilities in response to the assessments designed to help you improve your design practice.

There are four (4) areas of study associated with this module. These are:

  • Acquire and develop technical skills – which allows you to plan strategies and identify opportunities to develop your technical skills using appropriate materials, tools, and equipment
  • Develop conceptual skills and ideas – which allows you to experiment with different ideas and techniques and discuss ideas with others. You will also study the work of contemporary designers and keep informed about current design practice
  • Develop and evaluate your work – which allows you to explore and experiment with your work, discuss, and apply feedback and adjust process and practice in response, and:
  • Research work opportunities – which allows you to identify sources of information, identify networks and opportunities to determine future career opportunities and career planning.

Good luck with your studies!

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Main Topic Image
A designer working on a laptop in an outdoor setting
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