Write professional emails

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Wed, 08/24/2022 - 16:39
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An email is sometimes the first personal interaction you’ll have with a customer, so it’s worth making a good first impression!

Think of your email signature like your shoes. A beautifully-tailored suit is great, but if you’ve got daggy gumboots on your feet, it just doesn’t look professional. So you want your email signature to be the perfect final touch, like box-fresh sneakers or beautifully polished pumps.

  • Head to the Hubspot email signature generator.
  • Choose the template you like.
  • Add the details you want included in your signature.
  • Set your colour pallet.
  • Upload logo or photo (or both) to cloud storage and get a shareable link.
  • Add in a CTA if you want. E.g. Book a meeting with me here.
  • Create your signature.
  • Copy the signature and load it into your email (find “add signature” in Settings).
  • Send an email to yourself and test that the signature works properly.
  • Test any links and make sure they work on mobile too by testing on your phone.

Upload your final email signature (or a screenshot of it) to your thread in the Module 5 Practicals Forum.

If spelling, grammar and punctuation aren’t your strong suit, Grammarly will be your new favourite tool. It helps you write mistake-free in Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and any other app you use. Even in text messages! Plus it helps with clarity, engagement, and delivery… and it’s free!

  • Step 1: Head to https://www.grammarly.com/
  • Step 2: Add Grammarly as an extension to your browser.
  • Step 3: Test writing an email or social post.

Upload your writing test to your thread in the Module 5 Practicals Forum.
Check out the writing tests of other students and leave a comment on their posts too.

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