Alyssa Blamire - Sandbox

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Fri, 09/02/2022 - 14:41

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Alright, so when it came to kicking your business off Tell us a little bit about how that came to be. Talk to us a little bit about your brand name, Health High and what that's all about. Oh, so I guess for me, the PT as a business module that was really helpful. The way that that assessment was put together, that really helped me to think about what it was that I wanted to focus on, what I wanted my business to be all about. You know, when people talk about Health High, and they, you know, they're a part of it and they go to someone and they tell them about it, what it is I want them to be saying about the business. So that was really, really helpful. And I guess for me, it's about fitness for everyone. It's about people who I'll often have people approach me and say, I'm not really fit enough to do a boot camp. But for me, it's about it being a really supportive environment that people feel comfortable to come along to there's options for everyone. So you don't have to perform a movement in a certain way. You know, if you've got an injury, we can give you alternatives, it's about meeting people where they are in their fitness journey and just helping them to make a start and move towards where they want to be. And it's you know, I think that a lot of the fitness industry is focussed on aesthetics. And for me I exercise because I want to feel good and you know, it really helps me with my mental health. I want to be strong, I want to be out there running around with my kids and all those sorts of things. So I wanted Health High to be about all of the other benefits of exercise that are a little bit outside of the aesthetic focus. And so those are some really important things, alongside the connectedness. So, you know, people meeting new people and getting out there and doing things that they didn't think they could do. So like, the adventure races that I coordinate teams for, that sort of thing. So I guess like the boot camps, and the PT are sort of a starting point for people to be able to do all these other things and the name Health High. So it's really difficult deciding on a name for your business. It's really hard. Obviously, you know, you'll think of things and then there's someone else with that name or it sounds cliche, but I came up with I think around four or five names that I liked the sound of and then I put them out there to people who were my target audience and I asked for feedback on them. And Health High came out as the one that people liked most. I wanted to get health in there because as I just said, it's all about health for me and then I think the high is just about, you know, that feeling you get when you've done a really great workout, you know, you feel high, you feel really energised. So yeah, that was where the name Health High came from. Oh good, so it came with a bit of thought and obviously the logo which we will be able to pop across the screen. Can you talk to us a little bit about the colouring and the font that you used and even the the squiggly arrow at the bottom. Okay, so the colouring, so the green. So obviously it's a really bright green. I think when you're choosing a logo, it's important that you choose a colour that's going, it's going stand out and catch people's attention. But also I wanted to get green in there, just that connection with outdoors and nature. And, you know, a lot of the social events that we organise are outdoorsy things. So that's an important part of the brand. The squiggly arrow. So the arrow is supposed to reflect the sentiment that, you know, when you start on this health or fitness journey, that it's not just like an upward trajectory that, you know, it's going to come with ups and downs. And so, yeah, so that's what the arrow, the squiggly arrow is about. I thought that when I said it to the students, it's not always a linear Yeah, health and fitness is not always a linear. But you got to keep going. You know, we're all going to have setbacks and you know, there's different seasons of life, like training through having three children is, you know, you're going to have to dial things down and change things up. And so it's about being adaptable. Yeah, awesome.
Alright, so when it came to kicking your business off Tell us a little bit about how that came to be. Talk to us a little bit about your brand name, Health High and what that's all about. Oh, so I guess for me, the PT as a business module that was really helpful. The way that that assessment was put together, that really helped me to think about what it was that I wanted to focus on, what I wanted my business to be all about. You know, when people talk about Health High, and they, you know, they're a part of it and they go to someone and they tell them about it, what it is I want them to be saying about the business. So that was really, really helpful. And I guess for me, it's about fitness for everyone. It's about people who I'll often have people approach me and say, I'm not really fit enough to do a boot camp. But for me, it's about it being a really supportive environment that people feel comfortable to come along to there's options for everyone. So you don't have to perform a movement in a certain way. You know, if you've got an injury, we can give you alternatives, it's about meeting people where they are in their fitness journey and just helping them to make a start and move towards where they want to be. And it's you know, I think that a lot of the fitness industry is focussed on aesthetics. And for me I exercise because I want to feel good and you know, it really helps me with my mental health. I want to be strong, I want to be out there running around with my kids and all those sorts of things. So I wanted Health High to be about all of the other benefits of exercise that are a little bit outside of the aesthetic focus. And so those are some really important things, alongside the connectedness. So, you know, people meeting new people and getting out there and doing things that they didn't think they could do. So like, the adventure races that I coordinate teams for, that sort of thing. So I guess like the boot camps, and the PT are sort of a starting point for people to be able to do all these other things and the name Health High. So it's really difficult deciding on a name for your business. It's really hard. Obviously, you know, you'll think of things and then there's someone else with that name or it sounds cliche, but I came up with I think around four or five names that I liked the sound of and then I put them out there to people who were my target audience and I asked for feedback on them. And Health High came out as the one that people liked most. I wanted to get health in there because as I just said, it's all about health for me and then I think the high is just about, you know, that feeling you get when you've done a really great workout, you know, you feel high, you feel really energised. So yeah, that was where the name Health High came from. Oh good, so it came with a bit of thought and obviously the logo which we will be able to pop across the screen. Can you talk to us a little bit about the colouring and the font that you used and even the the squiggly arrow at the bottom. Okay, so the colouring, so the green. So obviously it's a really bright green. I think when you're choosing a logo, it's important that you choose a colour that's going, it's going stand out and catch people's attention. But also I wanted to get green in there, just that connection with outdoors and nature. And, you know, a lot of the social events that we organise are outdoorsy things. So that's an important part of the brand. The squiggly arrow. So the arrow is supposed to reflect the sentiment that, you know, when you start on this health or fitness journey, that it's not just like an upward trajectory that, you know, it's going to come with ups and downs. And so, yeah, so that's what the arrow, the squiggly arrow is about. I thought that when I said it to the students, it's not always a linear Yeah, health and fitness is not always a linear. But you got to keep going. You know, we're all going to have setbacks and you know, there's different seasons of life, like training through having three children is, you know, you're going to have to dial things down and change things up. And so it's about being adaptable. Yeah, awesome.
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