2D Beginner

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Fri, 09/02/2022 - 16:11
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Welcome to the next Unity Learn series.
Total Tasks: 8
Description: In this series, you will be learning fundamental skills for 2D game creation, including player control, world design, and animation using sprites.
Total Time Budget: 7 hours 30 minutes

Time budget: 30 mins

Description: Welcome to the Ruby’s Adventure: 2D Beginner Project! As you complete the tutorials in this learning project, you’ll make your own version of a 2D adventure game and develop your understanding of the principles behind each step.

Access Task 1: Get started with Ruby’s Adventure

Time budget: 1 hour

Description: In the previous tutorial, you wrote your first very simple script that makes Ruby move on the screen. In this tutorial, you’ll add some keyboard input to your game.

Access Task 2: Character Controller and Keyboard Input

Time budget: 1 hour

Description: Now that you’ve made your character move on screen, it’s time to give them an interesting environment to move through. In this tutorial, you’ll do this using another feature of Unity in 2D: Tilemaps.

Access Task 3: World Design - Tilemaps

Time budget: 1 hour

Description: Now that you’ve created the base of a world for the character to move around, you can add some GameObjects to decorate.

Access Task 4: Decorating the World

Time budget: 1 hour

Description: In this tutorial, you will modify your character controller script so that Ruby can collide with the world and doesn’t go through objects. To do this, you will use another big system Unity offers: the Physics System.

Access Task 5: World Interactions - Blocking Movement

Time budget: 1 hour

Description: Now that you’ve taken care of decorating the world and made it interact better with your character, it’s time to add some more gameplay.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about another important element of a game: Triggers, which allow characters to collect objects (amongst other things).

Access Task 6: World Interactions - Collectibles

In the previous tutorial, you used a Trigger to detect when Ruby touches a health collectible.

In this tutorial, you will use the same knowledge to damage the character when they’re in a certain zone.

You will also extend that to enemies that will move back and forth, thanks to what you learned about Rigidbody components, using Colliders and not Triggers.

Access Task 7: World Interactions - Damage Zones and Enemies

Time budget: 1 hour

Description: In previous tutorials, you created a world that was full of objects, with a character that can move around and enemies to avoid. But so far, all that is very static. In this tutorial, you’ll add animation to your characters.

Access Task 8: Sprite Animation


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Activity: Unity Learn Review (2D Beginner)

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