Safety Signage

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 06/24/2020 - 19:02

Safety signs play a very important role in the workplace, they are used to communicate important safety information to all employees and workplace visitors. Such as, restricting access to a particular area, alerting employees to potential hazards and providing safety direction. 

Sub Topics

Mandatory signs specify an instruction that must be carried out or personal protective equipment (PPE) that must be worn. They are often found at warehouses, construction sites, and mines.

Description - Symbols/pictures are depicted in white on a blue circular shape and the sign wording will be black on a white background.

Two mandatory signs one saying: Cylinders must be chained, the other saying: Eye protection must be worn

Prohibition signs specify behaviour or actions which are not permitted.

Description - A universally recognised red circle with a diagonal line through it and the symbol or picture behind it, depicting the prohibited item, will be in black. If wording is required, it is in black lettering on a white background.

Prohibition sign saying: Mobile phones not allowed

Warning Signs warn of hazards or a hazardous condition that is not likely to be life-threatening. Examples include biohazards like sharps disposal cannisters or slippery surfaces.

Description - The hazard depiction should be black on a yellow/orange background and a black triangle will be depicted around the  depiction. If wording is required it will be in black lettering.

Warning sign saying: Slippery floor

Danger signs are used as a warning when a hazard or hazardous condition is likely to be life-threatening.

Description - The word Danger is featured inside a red oval with white border which is inside a black rectangle.

Danger sign saying: Chemical storage area

Dangerous goods are substances which have the potential to cause explosions, fires, serious injury, death and/or large scale damage.

Description - Diamond in shape, various colours, and featuring an icon/diagram illustrating the hazardous nature of the product with wording describing the hazardous product and numbers indicating the relevant classification. 

Each type of sign has a corresponding classification number , there are 9 classes (some with sub-classes):

  • Class 1 - Explosive substances and articles.

  • Class 2 - Gases.

  • Class 3 - Flammable liquids.

  • Class 4.1 - Flammable solids, self-reactive substances and solid desensitized explosives. 

  • Class 4.2 - Substances liable to spontaneously combust.

  • Class 4.3 - Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable and/or toxic gases.

  • Class 5.1 - Oxidizing substances.

  • Class 5.2 - Oganic peroxides.

  • Class 6.1 - Toxic substances.

  • Class 6.2 - Infectious substances.

  • Class 7 - Radioactive material.

  • Class 8 - Corrosive substances.

  • Class 9 - Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles.

Three dangerous goods signs saying: Flammable liquid,Oxidizing agent, and Miscellaneous dangerous goods

In a similar manner to warning signs, safety signs may also be used as a reminder of potentially dangerous situations throughout the workplace. The dangerous situation does not have as high a risk factor as situations depicted in warning signs, however do have the potential to cause injury or incident. 

Description - Green and white with white writing on the green section and black writing on the white section. 

Safety sign saying: Mind the step

Emergency Information Signs help people to find the location of, or directions to, emergency facilities, equipment or exits.

Description - Green background with white writing and a white icon or image.

Emergency information sign indicating an emergency exit

Fire Signs indicate the location of fire fighting equipment such as extinguishers, fire hoses or fire blankets.

Description - Red background with a white icon or image and white writing.

Fire sign indicating a fire extinguisher

Module Linking
Main Topic Image
Various safety signs: Danger, First Aid, Fire Door, Toxic Hazard, Flammable Materials, Electrical Hazard