Learning Design in a Post-Pandemic World

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 09/21/2022 - 14:35
Main Image
A person typing in a dark lit room
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin


Welcome to 'Learning Design in a Post-Pandemic World'. The purpose of this unit is to introduce the concept of learning design, and its relevancy given the pandemic. This will be done through a brief discussion on historical and contemporary theories, leading into some ways in which these theories influence current practices in learning design, including; content development, activity creation and the choice of relevant technologies.

Module Overview
Component Details
Title Learning Design in a Post-Pandemic World
Provider Swinburne Edge/Swinburne University of Technology
Learning outcomes
  1. Articulate the role that designers and overall design play in the learning process.
  2. Analyse a range of learning design theories and practices.
  3. Explain how learner-centred design practices are used to design effective learning outcomes.
  4. Evaluate and implement digital media to support the learning design process and enhance the learner experience.
Language English
Delivery mode Online
Date of delivery Flexible
Learner Effort The unit will take approximately 3 - 4 hours to complete. There is flexibility to complete each module in approximately 45 minute sessions.

At the end of each module, the learner will be asked some questions to confirm their understanding of the content covered.
Inherent Requirements Laptop, internet access.
Assessment Online Quiz
Certification Swinburne Edge Certificate
Credit/other recognition


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