Career Potential

Submitted by Jessica.kerameā€¦ on Mon, 10/31/2022 - 15:55

The Big Data stream of Certificate IV in Business provides an excellent grounding in the skills and knowledge required to contribute in a professional way in a business environment. Both the hard and soft skills learned during this course reflect current industry requirements. Whether you are just starting out in business or looking to improve your chances of promotion, this course is designed to enhance your skills and give you the confidence to achieve your career goals. With this nationally recognised course you will gain a specialisation in big data, with the skills and knowledge required to analyse transactional and non-transactional big data in order to provide insights that are used in organisations. It involves identifying trends and relationships within big data, establishing data acceptability, as well as forming recommendations based on the analysis, and reporting on analysis findings.

Completion of this course may put you along the pathway towards a career in data analytics and there are many roles advertised online for which you may be suitable. In some cases, additional experience in a support or assistant role may also be required.

A review of positions advertised online includes Database Manager, Data Security Analyst, Data Analyst, Database Administrator and Database Warehouse Manager.4

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