
Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 12/07/2022 - 14:19

CHCCCS017 – Provide loss and grief support


This module explores the grief and loss process and how counsellors can support clients to successfully manage loss and grief.

Trigger Warning
Section 1: An Introduction to Grief and Loss

In this first section of the module, you will learn about different types of loss. You will also learn how grief and loss impacts on the individual, as well as on families and communities.

Section 2: Understanding the Grieving Process

In this second section of the module, you will learn about key models and theories that have been developed to understand the grieving process. You will also learn more about the factors that influence the grief experience, including the social and context of loss and grief.

Section 3: Grief and Loss Support

This section of the module focuses on skills to help you provide grief and loss support. You will learn about identifying grief reactions that indicate referral needs, how to work with clients experiencing grief and loss issues, and how to utilise additional supports.

Section 4: Reflection and Self-Care

In this final section of the module, you will learn about the risks to counsellors who engage in grief and loss work, as well as strategies to minimise these. You will also learn about the importance of reflection in order to improve counselling practice.

Sub Topics

Unit Title

CHCCCS017 – Provide loss and grief support

Unit Purpose

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide basic loss and grief support in counselling practice.


There are no prerequisites for this unit.


Section 1: An Introduction to Grief and Loss

Section 2: Understanding the Grieving Process

Section 3: Grief and Loss Support

Section 4: Reflection and Self-Care


Readings A – K are located at the end of this module.

Suggested Hours

Although everyone will work at their own pace, we suggest you allow approximately 55 hours to complete this unit competently, including seminars, tutorials, assignments and practical activities.

Time Frame

The recommended time frame for this unit is 4 weeks.


This unit will be assessed by completing the CHCCCS017 assessments.

Group support counselling

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Element Performance Criteria
1. Recognise reactions to loss and grief

1.1    Recognise reactions to loss and grief.
1.2    Take into account social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences.
1.3    Identify situations where there may be risk to the health and/or safety of the person or other people and make appropriate referrals.
1.4    Identify and assess an individual’s suicide risk and where necessary refer to appropriate services.

2. Engage empathetically

2.1    Interact with individuals with empathy, sensitivity, professionalism and courtesy.
2.2    Identify and respect social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences.
2.3    Select and use verbal and non-verbal communication.

3. Offer support and information

3.1    Identify individuals experiencing difficulty in coping with grief and trauma and link or refer them to options for further help as needed.
3.2    Provide information about grief and bereavement support services and resources.
3.3    Identify, suggest or use strategies for formal and informal grief and bereavement support.
3.4    Obtain feedback from individual to confirm that options are clearly understood.
3.5    Maintain confidentiality in line with organisation practices.

4. Care for self 4.1    Monitor own stress level in relation to working in the area of grief and loss.
4.2    Recognise and minimise risks to self associated with grief and bereavement support.
4.3    Identify and respond to the need for supervision and debriefing.
5. Review support provided 5.1    Reflect on outcomes during and after support is provided.
5.2    Identify where further support is required.
5.3    Review practices for continuous improvement.

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:

  • spectrum of loss situations, including:
    • primary loss
    • secondary loss
    • cumulative loss
    • integration of loss
  • potential impacts at the individual, family and community level, of grief, bereavement and trauma.
  • features and expressions of grief and how these may vary, including:
    • complex grief
    • disenfranchised grief
  • reactions that may indicate risk of suicide and required responses.
  • how loss, grief and bereavement can impact on social and emotional health and well- being.
  • social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences in responses to loss, grief and bereavement.
  • different contexts and circumstances that may be present prior to loss and their impact on grief and bereavement.
  • strategies and communication techniques for formal and informal grief and bereavement support.
  • grief and bereavement care services and information resources.
  • stress vulnerability model and its application to loss and grief support.
  • self-care strategies and support services for workers.
  • legal and ethical considerations and how these are applied in an organisation and individual practice, including:
    • duty of care
    • privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
    • work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations

Performance Evidence

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

  • responded effectively to at least 3 diverse situations of loss, grief, bereavement or trauma.
  • engaged with people using effective communication skills at least once that included:
    • empathic listening skills
    • verbal and non-verbal techniques
    • providing information clearly and sensitively
    • obtaining feedback to confirm understanding
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couple holding hands at graveyard
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