Introduction to Readings

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Fri, 12/09/2022 - 01:55
Sub Topics

Readings in sections of the learning are associated with the unit:

  • CHCCSL005 Apply Learning Theories in Counselling


  • Reading A: Learning
  • Reading B: Bandura: Social Learning Theory
  • Reading C: Other Theories
  • Reading D: Children's Exposure to Domestic and Family Violence
  • Reading E: Behaviour Modification
  • Reading F: Behavioural Change Programs
  • Reading G: Critical Thinking for Dummies
  • Reading H: Art of Reading a Journal Article
  • Reading I: Behavioural Treatment of Obesity
  • Reading J: Five Reasons to Stop Saying "Good Job."

Important note to students: These readings are a collection of extracts from various books, articles and other publications. The readings have been replicated exactly from their original source, meaning any errors in the original document will be transferred into this learning platform. In addition, if a reading originates from an American source, it will maintain its American spelling and terminology.

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