Reading I

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Fri, 12/16/2022 - 22:31

WorkSafe Victoria. (2020). Safe support tool.

Sub Topics

A tool for support workers, individuals receiving support (client) & their families to create and maintain safe, supportive relationships in the home

Please Note: Reading I can also be reviewed by accessing the following pdf:

About This Tool

Safe Support will help to avoid unsafe situations in the home. It can help everyone establish safe and supportive professional relationships. This tool should be completed together by the support worker, the client and their family. An authorised person (e.g a carer or an appointed decision maker) may complete the tool on the behalf of the client. Safe Support upholds the rights of the client and support worker to participate and engage in decisions that affect them.

a man and woman sitting in a couch while having conversation

There are 5 cards, each displaying a set of behaviours that everyone in the home can uphold to keep each other safe. It is important that each member of the support relationship is aware of these behaviours and agrees to them.

Who is This For?

Safe Support is for everyone and can be used in all home support relationships. This can be completed together with the client, support worker, clients family and/or an authorised person.

set of behaviours that everyone in the home can uphold to keep each other safe graphic

How to Use Safe Support

two woman having conversation about time or schedule

Discuss which cards are most relevant & find a suitable time for everyone to complete them together. You may do this in one sitting or complete the cards over multiple sessions.

two man reading books

Start by talking through each behaviour and the shared commitment statement on the front of each card.

three ladies having conversation and signing a paper

Together the support worker, client and family or authorised person sign on the dotted lines to show your shared commitment to everyones safety.

hand writing on a paper

On the flip side of each card, decide together if there are any additional behaviours you wish to include.

taking pictures of information from a paper

Take pictures of the completed cards to refer back to them. You can also download a PDF version from our website to save each version to your device.

a kitchen, an example of communal area

Store the completed cards in a secure place where they can easily be accessed e.g. the fridge or communal area.

a mature woman on a couch having a conversation with her support worker holding a piece of paper

Refer to the Safe Support cards regularly to remind each other about safe behaviour and whenever you are unsure about safety. Schedule a time to review the cards later to see if anything has changed.


Any incidents or safety concerns should be reported immediately to the manager or case coordinator. Please complete this tool in line with the service agreement, behaviour support plans or any other relevant documents.

Infection Control & Hygiene

infection control and hygiene proceduresdocument signdraw board for infection control steps

Conversation starters & activities
  1. “What could we change to make sure that we’re protecting ourselves from infectious diseases?”
  2. “Do we feel comfortable with what’s in place to protect us from infection?”
Additional information
  1. Contact your provider or employer for advice.
  2. Contact your GP or if symptoms are severe, call 000. Notify emergency contacts.

Building Relationships

building relationship graphicdocument signdraw board for other behaviors or values

Conversation starters & activities

We feel most comfortable when (list three of your shared values):

  1. ______________________________
  2. ______________________________
  3. ______________________________

Suggestions: You may want to agree on an activity that helps you express your feelings at the end of each shift. For example; “I like, I wish”

“How will we make sure that we’re checking in and communicating with each other?

Additional information
  1. Contact your provider or employer for advice.
  2. Call People with Disabilities Australia Wayfinder Hub on 1800 843 929 or email

Upholding Professional Boundaries

upholding professional boundaries graphicdocument signupholding professional boundaries draw board

Conversation starters & activities

The best person to contact if the client needs additional support is:

Name: _______________________________

Number: _____________________________

Name: _______________________________

Number: _____________________________

Suggestions: You may want to agree on a statement like this one, “I’m sorry, I can’t do what you have asked because it breaches our boundaries.

“How will we let each other know that the request is outside of our professional boundaries?”

Additional information
  1. To report an incident call WorkSafe Advisory - 1800 136 089
  2. Contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or NDIS on 1800 800 110

Respect and Inclusion

respect and inclusion graphicdocument signpromote respect and inclusion draw board

Conversation starters & activities

I feel most comfortable when (list three of your values):

  1. ______________________________
  2. ______________________________
  3. ______________________________

Suggestions: You may want to agree on a statement like this one: “Please do not say those words as they are hurtful”

“How will we raise an issue when we feel uncomfortable?”

Additional information
  1. Contact your provider or employer for advice.
  2. 1800 RESPECT (Australia) 1800 737 732
  3. To report an incident call WorkSafe Advisory - 1800 136 089

Preventing Risk and Injury in the Home

preventing risk and injury at home graphicdocument signsafety guidelines draw board

Conversation starters & activities

Spend some time spotting the risks in the home together.

  • Which risks can be removed now?
  • Which risks require more resources?

Respect and Inclusion

You may want to agree on a statement like this one, “I’m sorry, I can’t do what you have asked because it breaches our boundaries.

“How can we check for and remove hazards during each shift?”

Additional information
  1. Contact your provider or employer for advice.
  2. To report an incident call WorkSafe Advisory - 1800 136 089
  3. For clients - People with Disabilities Australia Wayfinder Hub on 1800 843 929 or email

Support Worker – Infection Control Checklist

This checklist is for support workers to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Before Your Shift
  • Contact to confirm if the client or member of the household has presented any flu-like symptoms in the past 14 days.
  • Contact to confirmm if the client or member of the household has not had close contact in the last 14 days with someone who is unwell.
Coming Home from Your Shift
  • Change out of your clothes immediately and wash them.
  • Wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap or hand sanitiser.
  • If you begin to feel unwell, contact your GP and monitor your symptoms.
  • Let your employer know if you are unwell and continue practicing social distancing.
During Your Shift
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Depending on anticipated exposure, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Physical Distancing: Remain at least 1.5 metres apart where possible.
  • Hygiene: Practice and encourage good cough/ sneeze etiquette. Standard precautions include hand hygiene before and after every episode of physical contact.
  • Monitor Symptoms: Monitor symptoms if you or client experiences fever (temperature of ≥ 37.5 degrees or higher) and/ or symptoms of acute respiratory infection (e.g. shortness of breath, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion).
  • Report Symptoms: Cease face to face service and suggest the person self-isolate. Contact your GP or if symptoms are severe, call 000. Notify emergency contacts and the employer.
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couple going through paperwork with their counsellor on a meeting in the office
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