Reading F

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Sun, 01/01/2023 - 19:13

Harris, R. (2021). ACT case formulation worksheet. In ACT made simple: The extra bits.

What Does the Client Describe as the Main Problem(s)?

(Use the client’s own words.)

What Does the Client Want From Therapy/Coaching/Counselling?

Emotional Goals (How you want to feel differently): What thoughts, images, feelings, emotions, sensations, memories, urges, would they like to avoid, reduce or get rid of? (Note: To convert emotional goals to behavioral goals, we may say: “So part of our work here is learning new skills to handle these difficult thoughts and feelings more effectively, so they have less impact and influence over you.”)

Behavioral Goals (What you want to do differently): What would the client like to stop/start; do more/less? How would they like to treat themself, others, the world, differently? What activities/skills would they like to start or develop? What people, places, activities, challenges, would they like to approach rather than avoid? What relationships do they want to improve, and how?

Outcome Goals (What you want to have, get or achieve): What outcomes would the client like to achieve - e.g. get a job, find a partner, go on a holiday, buy a house, recover from an illness, heal an injury, have a child, start a new career, buy a book, make new friends, build a better relationship? (Note: To convert outcome goals to behavioral goals, we may say: “So part of our work here is to explore what you can start doing differently, to increase your chances of achieving these goals.”)

Relevant Past History

Was there any trauma, neglect, attachment issue, or other significant childhood problem, directly relevant to current issues?

What traumatic events have played a significant role in current issues? Have other major life events—not necessarily traumatic, but disruptive and stressful— precipitated the current presentation?

Physical Barriers to Quality of Life

What physical barriers are there (as opposed to psychological barriers) to a rich and full life? For example, are there legal, social, medical, financial, or occupational problems? Are there systemic problems like racism, sexism, prejudice, discrimination, poverty? Are they living in a hostile environment (e.g. prison, domestic violence)? Is the client’s occupation playing a role, (e.g. exposure to trauma in the armed forces or emergency services)?

(These issues require values-guided committed action: problem-solving, action-planning, accessing resources, and skills-training.)

Reexperiencing Trauma And/or Abnormal Arousal

How is the client reexperiencing traumatic events (e.g. flashbacks, nightmares)?

Are there symptoms of extreme hyperarousal (e.g. hypervigilance, palpitations) or hypoarousal (e.g. dissociation, numbness)?

Unworkable Action

What is the client doing that makes life worse, or keeps her stuck, worsens problems, inhibits growth, prevents healthy solutions, impairs health, damages relationships etc? (What would we see and/or hear on a video?)

What IMPORTANT or MEANINGFUL people, places, events, activities, situations, goals, problems and challenges is the client avoiding or escaping (e.g. withdrawing from, quitting, procrastinating, giving up on, or staying away from)?

Experiential Avoidance

What private experiences is the client trying to avoid, reduce or get rid of?

May include: thoughts, images, memories, emotions, feelings, sensations, urges, cravings, withdrawal symptoms.

Fusion: (Include examples of specific thoughts, as well as cognitive processes such as worrying or ruminating.)

Past & Future: (rumination, worrying, fantasizing, blaming, predicting the worst, reliving old hurts, idealizing the past or the future, flashbacks, ‘if only...’,why did it happen?, catastrophizing, resentment, regrets etc.)

Self-Description: (self-judgments, self-limiting ideas about ‘who I am’ or ‘what I can and can’t do’, self-labels)

Reasons: (reasons the client gives for why they can’t, won’t or shouldn’t change, or why their life can’t be improved)

Rules: (about how myself, others, life should be: look for key words such as: ‘should’, ‘have to’, ‘must’, ‘ought’, ‘right’, ‘wrong’, ‘always’, ‘never’, ‘can’t because’, ‘won’t until’, ‘shouldn’t unless’ - etc.)

Judgments: (mostly these will be negative, but sometimes positive; may be about anyone or anything: other people, oneself, one’s job, one’s body, one’s thoughts and feelings, the past, the future, or even life itself)

Other - Including Narratives, Schemas & Core Beliefs:

Loss of Contact With the Present Moment

To what extent are the “3 Ds” - Distractibility; Disengagement; Disconnection from thoughts & feelings - a problem? What activities would the client like to more focused on or engaged in?

Remoteness From Values

What life domains and what people does the client care about: e.g. work, study, health, parenting, marriage or other intimate relationship, friends, family, spirituality, community, environment? Is the client in touch with their values in at least some of these domains? If yes, which values, in which domains?

What values does the client seem to have lost touch with, or be disconnected from? What values seem to be buried beneath fusion with rigid rules? What values does the client seem to be avoiding because they are too painful to connect with?

Skills Deficits

What important skills does the client either lack or fail to apply effectively - e.g. problem-solving, goal-setting, action-planning, self- soothing, assertiveness, communication, conflict resolution, empathy, time management?

Client Resources

Strengths & Skills

What useful strengths, skills and other personal resources does the client have?

What external resources can the client potentially access?

Values-Congruent Goals & Activities

What values-congruent goals and activities does the client: a) already have; and b) want to pursue?

My Personal Barriers: What difficult thoughts and feelings show up for me, regarding this client? How can I apply ACT to myself to help with this? (Note: Complete this section on a sheet that doesn’t go into the client’s notes.)
Brainstorm: What core ACT processes may help? What questions, exercises, worksheets, metaphors, tools, techniques and strategies might be useful? What skills-training may be required? Is values-based problem-solving and action-planning required for addressing physical barriers?
Module Linking
Main Topic Image
A man sits on a couch and talks to a psychotherapist
Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?