Welcome to the Big Finale!

Submitted by Gabrielle.Pigg… on Tue, 01/17/2023 - 13:26
Do it now, sometimes later becomes never.

Are you ready to plan, execute and debrief your team’s very own eSports event?!

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Welcome to Module 5! This is what we have all been waiting for! After the hundreds of hours we have invested we will finally get to run our first eSports event. Are you nervous? Maybe? But are we ready? Definitely! Creating our own eSports event is by far the biggest challenge we have undertaken in this course but that does not mean it is going to be hard. Just remember that we all need to start somewhere, and this is all about learning and having fun with our teammates!

What is an event?

A close view of players in an eSports event

Aren't we all excited when Christmas is just around the corner? Why is that? Have you ever taken the time to analyse this?

To put it simply, events such as Christmas remind us of wholesome moments with family or loved ones.

An event is an occurrence happening at a scheduled time and place. It is organised to bring people together for a specific purpose.

Good memories evoke excitement. Every event should create excitement for its participants to leave a lasting impression.

What is an eSports event?

Let's go back to the Olympics and Module 1 for a second here. There is nothing more exciting in sports than the Olympics, is there? People from all around the world spend a lifetime training for big events, like the Olympics. They showcase their hard work and dedication through healthy competition and sometimes surpass the limits of our physical and mental human capabilities.

What would the Olympics be like without Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt? What are the events without the stories behind and the history of struggle and success? There would not be an emotional link to it. This is where champions are born, this is where legends are remembered and immortalised.

An eSports event aims for that; it aims to entertain viewers while creating emotional connections with athletes. Our advantage? Accessibility. Anyone could become an eSports athlete, there are less barriers to achieving it with the current technology. We are just a couple of steps away and with the right amount of training, anyone can aim to achieve that greatness.

So, you see? Our job is to immortalise a feeling. Create that connection and have fun while doing so.

Watch: Your eSports Event Overview ( 1:04 minutes)

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These Module Learning Outcomes are guides to the strategies and transferable skills that you will grow over the course. When you complete Module 5 Your eSports you will be able to:

  1. Plan an eSports event as a member of a team.
  2. Identify the ways in which eSports professionals need to coordinate to produce eSports events.
  3. Work constructively in a team to resolve eSports role coordination problems.
  4. Create a plan of action for progressing on a chosen eSports career pathway.

Events and their fandoms

We have discussed the many events in eSport, including Conventions, Parties, and Cosplay. But it is important to consider that the one who leads them in production is the competition.

These competitions are a big deal for players and the competitive scene, but they must be balanced with entertainment for the audience. If it's too serious, you'll only engage with your hardcore audience, leaving behind most viewers. If the event is too light-hearted, you will not connect with the true competitive fandom, for it is the fandom that is usually the most passionate and vocal about the game.

Consider how League of Legends solved this problem by incorporating their League Teams into content creation for Worlds. This move was brilliant. While the event itself was known to be serious, teams from different leagues didn't waste a second making fun of their regions. This resonated with high amounts of viewership on their events in 2020 and 2021.

Answer the following questions on eSports events.

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A close view of an eSports event participant
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