About this module

Submitted by Julie.Paulin@e… on Tue, 02/28/2023 - 16:26

One of the first plant processes we learn about in school is photosynthesis — how, from the first unfurling of leaves above the soil, plants turn sunlight, air, and water, into the nutrition they need for growth and survival. 

Welcome to Module 3 – Plants: How Do They Function?

In this topic, we'll cover:

  • classifying plants – different ways of classifying plants
    • based on their:
      • appearance
      • structural characteristics
      • how they evolved
  • plant structures – key parts of plants
  • plant processes
    • germination
    • primary/secondary growth
    • osmosis
    • transpiration/root pressure
    • photosynthesis
    • translocation
    • cellular respiration
    • floral development
    • pollination and fertilisation
  • sectors – a summary of the main sectors of the horticulture industry most associated with growing plants
  • growing systems – an outline of  the main growing systems and approaches used in Aotearoa.
Video Resources

If you haven't yet, consider purchasing the optional video companion to this course, The Market Gardner's Toolkit. There is more information about this in the Course Overview. We also recommend The Permaculture Orchard: Beyond Organic for additional support on your learning journey. You can purchase each for US7.50 for digital downloads.

Time to complete this module

You should plan to complete this module in 105 hours.

Words and what they mean

Woman using laptop

As with previous modules, you’ll find the glossary of terms near the end of the module. You may like to jump ahead and download the terms now so you can start to build out your resource of terms for this module. 

Assessment Instructions

You can take a break from your Garden Journals while you complete this module. Instead, to complete this module and move to the next, you need to submit three Assessments:

  1. Plant processes (03A1) – produce a poster, information leaflet or similar about one plant species growing in your garden that explains the plant’s lifecycle, key parts, and plant processes.
  2. Practical project (08A1-A) – Design a cropping calendar and garden planting plan for your site.
  3. Growing Systems Report (03A2) – visit two horticulture operations and write a report comparing a major growing system from each.

Getting started

Your assessments can be accessed at the bottom of the content menu for this module.

For each one, you'll need to:

  1. download
  2. review and understand
  3. complete and document your evidence
  4. create a PDF document for submission
  5. submit it for marking, along with supporting elements such as video and images.

Normally, you might complete the learning and then take the assessments, but for this course, you may have noticed, that's not entirely the case. You'll be growing, documenting, learning, submitting, visiting, and completing course materials and assessments at the same time, as we did with the garden journal in the first two modules.

Starting right now, follow these steps to successfully complete this module. 

  1. Download and complete Assessment 03A1: Plant Stages - Poster or leaflet
    • You have already built up the knowledge needed to complete this assessment.
    • When you are done, make sure to complete step 2 before submitting
  2. Download and complete Assessment 08A1: Garden Planning
    • Design your garden planting plan using information and actions you have already made, plus what you want to achieve in the garden in future
    • Design a 12-month cropping calendar using the template provided
    • Use these to guide your actions in the garden as we progress through the following modules
    • When you are done, submit this with Assessment 03A1 for marking. Good luck!
  3. Prepare to complete Assessment 03A2: Growing Systems Report
    • Arrange visits to two horticulture operations
      • Find a buddy if you like — from the course, if any live near you — and arrange visits to two horticulture operations in a few weeks' time, giving yourself enough time to complete all of the material in this module, especially the final topic in this programme, Growing systems and approaches.
  4. Continue your learning on the online campus and your field campus — your garden
  5. Complete your horticulture site visits then complete and submit Assessment 03A2.

Remember, we’re here to help!

As mentioned in earlier courses:

It's okay to make mistakes. When we make mistakes, we can learn from them by thinking, “what went wrong?” and “what can I do differently next time?”. In fact, these are the kinds of questions and answers we’d like to see in your Garden Journal.

Reach out if you need help! If something doesn’t make sense, or you’re unsure what to do next, ask a peer using Messaging on the Online Campus, check the forums for others that have asked the same questions, or get in touch with your Tutor. You can send them a message on the Online Campus or get in touch via email.

While the course is designed for you to work independently, please don't be afraid to ask questions.

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