
Submitted by troy.murphy@up… on Wed, 04/19/2023 - 16:15

Unit Overview

Unit Title

HLTINF007 – Implement and monitor infection prevention and control policies and procedures.

Unit Purpose

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills, and knowledge required to provide information about infection prevention and control procedures, integrate those procedures into work practices and monitor workplace performance.


There are no prerequisites for this unit.


Section 1: Providing Instructions about Infection Prevention and Control
Section 2: Integrating Infection Prevention and Control
Section 3: Monitoring and Guiding Infection Prevention and Control


Readings A – F are located in the associated Book of Readings.

Suggested Hours

Although everyone will work at their own pace, we suggest you allow approximately 60 hours to complete this unit competently, including seminars, tutorials, assignments, and skills demonstration activities.


The recommended time frame for this unit is 4 weeks.


This unit will be assessed by completing the HLTINF007 Assessment Book and an associated practical assessment and work placement.

Throughout this module there are a few coloured boxes used to help you. These include:


This is used to indicate the presence of tips or additional instructions that may assist you as you work through this module. They are designed to help you expand your knowledge and skills and deepen your understanding of how concepts and practices are applied in workplaces.


You will find these throughout the module. They indicate that a particular Reading contains additional information on the topic that is being discussed at that point.

Self Reflection

This indicates a self-reflection question. You are not required to submit answers to these questions. They are designed to get you thinking more about the topic and to consider key points in order to aid your understanding.

Thank you for choosing to study with The Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors. Best Wishes!

Sub Topics
A medicla professional looking at student performance

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Element Performance Criteria
1. Provide instruction about infection prevention and control standards, policies, and procedures. 1.1.  Identify and access basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control in the work setting.
1.2.  Use knowledge of current infection prevention and control information to explain requirements including roles and responsibilities to the work group.
1.3.  Demonstrate current infection prevention and control techniques in the work setting.
1.4.  Provide timely information and feedback to the work group and relevant stakeholders about the potential and identified risks and the outcomes of infection risk assessments and audits.
1.5.  Provide opportunities for the work group to seek further information on workplace infection prevention and control principles, standards, priorities and techniques.
1.6.  Adapt communication to address the requirements of individual workers and work settings.
2. Integrate infection prevention and control standards, policies and procedures into work practices 2.1.  Communicate with nominated infection prevention and control person, network or authority in relation to applicable infection prevention and control standards, policies and procedures.
2.2.  Implement agreed applicable infection prevention and control standards, policies and procedures with members of the work group in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.
2.3.  Provide information and support as required to ensure that individuals or the work group are able to implement applicable infection prevention and control practices.
2.4.  Adapt work procedures to reflect and incorporate required infection prevention and control practices.
2.5.  Address issues raised through work group and stakeholder feedback or refer to the appropriate personnel.
2.6.  Implement workplace procedures to address emerging and active infection prevention and control risks.
2.7.  Encourage colleagues to report infection risks and to improve infection prevention and control practices.
3. Monitor and guide infection prevention and control work group performance. 3.1.  Identify and report potential and actual infectious risks and events, including notifiable diseases, to relevant entities.
3.2.  Monitor infection prevention and control work practices to ensure compliance with standards, policies and procedures.
3.3.  Regularly review and adjust work procedures and practices to improve infection prevention and control measures, considering the hierarchy of control.
3.4.  Provide feedback and information to the work group and stakeholders on positive indicators of infection control activity and performance, compliance, changes in work procedures and practices, and infection prevention and control activity outcomes.
3.5.  Respond to identified gaps in infection prevention and control measures to improve work procedures and practices and implement quality improvement strategies, or report to nominated personnel.
3.6.  Complete documentation and report on infection prevention and control risks, incidents or potential breaches in accordance with standards, organisational policies and procedures

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

  • key requirements of the infection and prevention control regulation and standards:
    • statutory requirements including Commonwealth, state and territory legislation
    • current National infection prevention and control standards and guidelines
    • manufacturer instructions
    • roles and responsibilities in work settings related to infection prevention and control
  • types of infectious risks in the work environment and associated management to prevent and reduce harm
  • causes of infection, including:
    • classifications of microorganisms – bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites
    • process of colonisation, infection and disease
  • transmission of infectious agents as per the chain of infection including:
    • infectious agent:
      • degree of pathogen exposure
    • reservoir:
      • people, animals and birds
      • other vectors
      • blood and body fluids
      • food, water and soil
      • waste
    • portal of exit
    • transmission:
      • direct contact including contact, droplet and airborne
      • indirect contact including surface or object contamination, penetrating injuries and vectors (animal, insect or parasite)
    • portal of entry
    • susceptible hosts:
      • factors that increase susceptibility to infection
  • personal hygiene practices:
    • personal care and cleanliness
    • use of clean clothing or uniform
    • management and laundering of work clothing
    • not attending work when ill
    • safe respiratory and cough etiquette
  • principle of hand hygiene:
    • hand care, including guidelines on maintaining intact skin, fingernails and jewellery or watches
    • hand hygiene procedures:
      • identifying when hand hygiene is required
      • identifying correct hand hygiene product
      • hand hygiene technique
      • procedure for applying alcohol-based hand rub
      • when to perform hand hygiene with soap and water rather than alcohol-based hand rub
      • precautions where there are breaks in the skin or skin conditions
    • the 5 moments of hand hygiene
  • Safe and effective use of different types and grades of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including:
    • masks
    • gloves
    • protective eyewear and face shields
    • gowns and aprons
    • techniques and sequence for applying, fitting and removing PPE
    • preventing contamination while applying, wearing and removing PPE
    • safe disposal of PPE after use
  • Cleaning procedures:
    • routine environment and equipment cleaning
    • enhanced cleaning
    • reprocessing of reusable equipment or instruments
    • managing a blood or body fluid spill
    • management of linen and clothing
  • principles of asepsis relevant to the job
  • waste management procedures:
    • disposal of general waste
    • safe handling and disposal of contaminated waste
    • safe handling and disposal of sharps
  • organisational policies and procedures for:
    • recording and documenting risks and incidents
    • reporting risks and incidents
    • parties to whom reports may be made:
      • supervisor
      • general practitioner
      • health care professional
      • carer
      • responsible person
      • responsible authority
  • management of work processes used to prevent and control infection:
    • identification
    • assessment
    • monitoring
    • reporting processes
    • training requirements
  • infection risks and control measures specific to the work setting and related work processes including those for exposure incidents
  • hierarchy of control measures, from most to least preferred, and its application to infection prevention and control:
    • elimination
    • substitution
    • isolation
    • engineering controls
    • administrative control
    • personal protective equipment

Performance Evidence

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outline in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate can:

  • Implement and monitor infection prevention and control standards, policy and procedures for at least one work area and at least one group of workers, incorporating:
    • explaining infection prevention and control standards, policies and procedures in relation to work practices to the work group
    • using communication techniques to confirm understanding and address individual requirements within the group
  • Identify work procedures and practices to reduce an identified infection risk on two separate risk occasions based on information from:
    • review of infection and control measures in the work setting
    • investigation of the infectious risk or event
    • application of the hierarchy of control to minimise the identified risk.
Doctor consulting patient hands closeup

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide information about infection prevention and control procedures, integrate those procedures into work practices and monitor workplace performance.

Overview of Sections

Section 1: Providing Instruction about Infection Prevention and Control

This section of the Study Guide will provide you with an introduction to infectious risks, their transmission and the types of infections. You will also look at the causes of infection and the key legislations and guidelines to adhere to when it comes infection prevention and control.

Section 2: Integrating Infection Prevention and Control

In this section, you will learn more about the integration of infection prevention and control. You will also learn about personal hygiene practices, safe and effective use of PPE, cleaning procedures and waste management.

Section 3: Monitoring and Guiding Infection Prevention and Control

In this section, you will learn more about identifying and reporting infectious risks to the relevant entities. You will also learn about monitoring infection preventions across work practices and regularly reviewing the workplace procedures, while also responding to any identifies gaps in the infection prevention and control.

Module Linking
Main Topic Image
Epidemiologist doctor working on laptop computer,analyzing graphs charts
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