Post-Event Debrief

Submitted by tara.mills@up… on Mon, 05/08/2023 - 16:21
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results
Albert Einstein

Congratulations. You pulled it off! But before you move on to the next big thing in your life it’s a really good idea to review your event with a post-event debrief.

Sub Topics

A post-event debrief is a meeting with your team where you carefully analyse and reflect on your event and ask yourselves “How did we do?”. Here are a few tips on how to have a constructive debrief.

  • Whenever people sit down to evaluate the performance of something, there might be some criticism or blaming of why something went wrong. It is important to create a relaxed positive environment where you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts. Try to keep things constructive. Starting with a round of thank you’s to all people involved will set you off to a good start.
  • Have an agenda for your debrief. You could use the checklist as a start and work through the different areas of the event.
  • For each area of your event ask yourself some questions. For example:
    • Did this area/role meet its objective?
    • What went well?
    • What went wrong?
    • How could we improve?

Remember, if you are providing feedback or constructive criticism to the team you should apply the ‘sandwich’ approach. As seen in the following diagram.

A diagram showing a feedback sandwich

  1. You should always start your feedback or criticism with a positive comment “We did so well for our first event, considering many of us have not done this before.”
  2. Once you have opened the conversation with your positive comment, you move in with the critique. “Next time, we need to ensure we stick to the schedule as closely as possible because we ran over time and the lines of communication between the shoutcasters and BTS crew were not clear’
  3. End on a positive. For example, “These are all learning curves for us and it is to be expected we had some hiccups along the way. We did however, receive some really great feedback from the audience, they loved our energy and the atmosphere we created.”

Your class will have an event debrief meeting but before this, take some time to do some individual self-reflection.

Throughout the course you have been asked to reflect on your skills and knowledge on different eSports roles.

You have had a chance to experience the different roles within eSports and during the final event you put that knowledge to the test. Now it’s time to reflect on your role and overall participation in the event.

Self-evaluation questions are designed to help you review your own performance and will encourage you to spend time considering how you can improve and what you want to accomplish going forward in your career.

Portfolio checkpoint H: Self-evaluation

The following questions will help you reflect and evaluate your individual role and the success of the event. Your tutor will explain how to use these questions.

  1. What did you like most about your role in the event?
  2. Were there tasks in your role that took longer than you expected?
  3. What did you like most about your role during the event?
  4. What aspects of your role did you dislike doing most?
  5. What aspect of your role did you find most challenging?
  6. What was the overall objective of your role during the event, and do you feel you achieved it?
  7. How would you rate your communication with your event team members?
  8. How was the communication between the event team during the event? How could it have been improved?
  9. Give an example of a difficult situation that you handled well.
  10. What are three things you did well in your role?
  11. Give an example of how you worked with your team to overcome a problem.
  12. What do you think the participants would say about your event?
  13. What do you think the live streaming audience would say about your event?
  14. What are three things you would work on for your next event?
  15. Do you feel you had enough time and resources for your event?
  16. Did you feel you worked as hard as you could have?
  17. Did you make the best use of the equipment, team members and resources available to make this event a success?
  18.  Are you proud of your participation in this event?
  19. Did your event team work cohesively and well together?
  20. Would you consider your role in the event as a career option?
A person sitting at a desk reflecting on an event and writing notes in a notepad

Thinking of the future...

It’s time to think about your future. Planning for post-graduation and make some decisions on your future career path is recommended. This plan may be a career in eSports but may be in a different direction.

Tips for your successful self:

  • Believe in yourself. Try to be the best version of yourself physically and mentally. Do you eat well? Do you sleep well? Do you work out? Do you read? Do you Spend time with family and friends?
  • Find the motivation. We need that spark that gets you out of bed every morning. What is it? Is it friends? Is it family? Is it your pet? Is it your game? Is it music? What do you like more than anything? Let this be the gas.
  • Build Discipline. We all sometimes don’t want to do things, but we need to. Growth starts by coming out of our comfort zones.
  • Aim Small first. Small steps can get us far in life. After all humans are creatures of habit and to create one, we can start with the most basic things like cleaning our room or greeting family when we see them.
  • Be consistent. Success is not about talent or luck is about being consistent and keep putting the effort into everything you do.
  • Start NOW. “I'll do it tomorrow” is your number 1 enemy. Don’t procrastinate what can be done now.

Hopefully you have a clearer path in your head right now. But before you leave the party, let's explore these options. There are many opportunities for you to pick from.

Future opportunities

Working Opportunities

If we look at jobs as the exchange of time for money, we will not see the true value of it: a learning opportunity. Find value in everything you do, in success and failure.

Here are some job opportunities related to eSports for you to search and apply for with no working background experience:

  • Data entry
  • Sales Representative
  • Costumer Service
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Creative Freelancer

Studying Opportunities

All careers are available for you to explore and pairing them up with your passion and set of skills would be ideal. How ever, if you enjoyed this class, we have a few careers that may suit your strengths:

Conventional study opportunities

I identify more with: numbers and being introverted I identify more with: numbers and being extroverted
  • Psychology
  • Computer science
  • Marketing
  • Business administration
I identify more with: letters and being introverted I identify more with: letters and being extroverted
  • Graphic design
  • Publicity and advertising
  • Education
  • Science communications

More studying opportunities related to eSports

  • Programming: You don’t need to pay for a career. You can learn everything you need from the internet. Probably one of the most demanded professions now.
  • Social Media Manager: Google certifies you in google AdWords and Analytics, two of the most used tools on the online space, for free. You can find free tutorials for social media too.

Amateur, Entrepreneur, Freelance Opportunities

We are sorry, these opportunities are not easy for everyone and are not as easy to succeed in as they are on social media. Being your own boss is hard and it will probably take more effort than working for someone else. However, eSports offers varied career paths if you do want to strike out on your own such as:

  • Amateur eSports Player
  • Amateur eSports Coach
  • Amateur eSports Analyst
  • Amateur Shoutcaster
  • Social Media Manager
  • Video Editor
  • Content Creator
  • Business entrepreneur

As you can see these are just a few of the paths you can take next... exciting right? If you cannot find what you want don’t worry, it's definitely out there waiting for you to discover! To move forward on a career path which is right for you try this goals and reflection activity:

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