
Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Mon, 05/22/2023 - 14:24

This module consists of unit CHCAGE013 work effectively in aged care.

Welcome to the Module

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to work effectively in an aged care work context. The unit covers meeting job requirements, complying with organisational requirements and working in an aged care sector context. This unit applies to individuals who work with older people in a range of community services and health contexts. Work performed requires some discretion and judgement and will be carried out under regular direct or indirect supervision. The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.

The key outcomes you will achieve upon completion of this module includes:

  • Understand the principles of positive ageing including maintaining dignity, promoting independence, and supporting active participation in society.
  • Implement person-centred care practices, considering individual needs, preferences, and goals, while respecting cultural, social, and spiritual diversity.
  • Apply and develop effective communication skills to establish rapport, actively listen, and engage in meaningful conversations with older individuals, their families, and other healthcare professionals.
  • Acquire skills in conducting comprehensive assessments of older individuals
  • Understand the factors that contribute to older individuals' health and wellbeing and learn strategies to promote healthy ageing and quality of life.
  • Learn strategies to foster social inclusion and community.
  • Recognise and respond to abuse and neglect
  • Understand the importance of collaboration within a multidisciplinary team
  • Gain an understanding of the legal and ethical frameworks that govern aged care practice

To achieve competency for the unit within this module, you must complete all theory assessments at the end of this module (short answer questions, case studies, project and role play) as well as the structured workplace learning and assessment (including Portfolio, logbook and any other workplace related documentation located in Module 16).

Before we begin, let us look at this video on working in Aged care.

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