New Zealand Diploma in Animation (Level 5)

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 06/20/2023 - 16:26
Main Image
 3D illustration of magical neon fantasy forest with silhouettes of trees.
Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art of movements that are drawn.
Norman McLaren (animator, filmmaker)

Welcome to Diploma in Animation (Level 5)

You create the future with this one-year foundation-level animation course. You'll be introduced to the fundamentals of 2D and 3D animation, 3D modelling and texturing, and pre-production and design for animation. This course serves as the perfect starting point for launching a successful career in animation.

Throughout the course, you'll explore the fundamentals of character animation, develop your art-skills, learn to refine and create believable animation characters and effects, create 3D assets, and develop and refine final animation shots.

It’s here that you’ll also learn the nuts and bolts of fundamental animation tools and techniques like movement and dialogue, and build up your knowledge of design and animation software, workflow and industry practice.

If you have a passion for art and animation, enjoy developing worlds and bringing characters to life, and want to become an animator or animation artist, then this course is the best way to begin! And if you successfully complete this course, you’ll receive the New Zealand Diploma in Animation (Level 5).

Meet Your Facilitator

Watch this short video (2.32m) to meet your Diploma in Animation (Level 5) facilitator, Geoff Ind, and learn about his background, professional experiences, and passion for animation.

Graduate Profile Outcomes

What outcomes does Yoobee aim to provide for graduates of Diploma in Animation (Level 5)? When you graduate, you’ll be able to:

  1. Apply a broad range of technical skills and technologies to create and present animations within multi-disciplined production environments.
  2. Apply professional business practices and creative processes of discovery, conceptualisation, review, iteration, prototyping and presentation to independently manage animation creation projects and design solutions in response to a broad range of project briefs.
  3. Apply knowledge of the elements and principles of animation design and/or motion to evaluate and quality assure animations.

Course Learning Outcomes

What specific knowledge, skills and abilities are you expected to have by the end of this course? When you complete Diploma in Animation (Level 5), you'll be able to:

Module Learning outcomes
1. Foundations
  • Apply a range of technical skills consistently and with accuracy to a range of fundamental drawing, design, and animation briefs.
  • Apply organisation, planning, self-management and respond to feedback while devising solutions to a range of creative drawing, design, conceptualisation and animation briefs.
  • Self-reflect on own performance, progress, results and areas for improvement in relation to a range of fundamental drawing, design and animation briefs.
2. Key Animation
  • Apply a range of software tools and fundamental animation processes with precision and accuracy while creating character and effects animation sequences within a disciplinary animation production.
  • Manage deadlines, present progress and respond to feedback while creating impactful effects and character animation sequences in response to animation project briefs.
  • Apply and evaluate principles, techniques and processes to make improvements to character and effects animation in response to projects briefs.
3. Digital Production
  • Apply a range of creative software tools and processes in the creation of design and animation assets within a multidisciplinary animation production environment.
  • Apply organisation, planning, self-management and respond to feedback while conceptualising and developing digital production assets in response to animation project briefs.
  • Evaluate and respond to feedback to improve aesthetic and or technical qualities of models and textures.
4. Final Image
  • Apply a range of modelling, texturing, camera and animation tools and processes with precision and accuracy while developing final shot sequences within a multidisciplinary animation production environment.
  • Integrate planning, management and feedback processes within a creative pipeline while producing final animation shot sequences in response to a complex project brief.
  • Evaluate aesthetic qualities to make improvements to a final shot or animation sequence in response to a complex project brief.
Module Overview

Your Diploma in Animation (Level 5) journey is organised into four modules with eight assessments. 

Module 1 introduces you to tools, processes and software used to create animation, and develops your drawing and design skills. In Module 2, you’ll learn how to observe and apply animation principles in character and effects animation, and use various tools and processes to create believable animation. 

Module 3 explores industry tools and processes for 3D asset production. In Module 4, you'll put everything together to plan and refine final screen shots.

Module Assessments Learning Hours
1. Foundations 1A: Workbook - Practical and written assignment
1B: Design and Drawing Portfolio - Practical assignment
300 hours
2. Key Animation 2A: Effects Sequence - Practical assignment
2B: Character Sequence - Practical assignment
300 hours
3. Digital Production 3A: 3D Worksbook - Practical assignment
3B: Asset and Documentation - Practical and written assignment
300 hours
4. Final Image 4A: Shot Documentation - Practical and written assignment
4B: Final Shot - Practical and written assignment
300 hours

The total learning hours of the course are 1,200 hours. That’s 30 hours per week. The learning hours include you:

  • reading, watching, and completing learning tasks on the Online Campus
  • participating in or viewing Live Sessions
  • preparing and completing assessments.

Learning hours are 'facilitated asynchronous', which means you complete your learning hours in your own time. However, you will need to be active in the Forums and Live Sessions.

Forums and Live Sessions

How can you maximise your learning experience when progressing through this course? When you complete learning tasks, you’re encouraged to use two Online Campus features: Forums and Live Sessions.

Use the Forums and participate in Live Sessions to:

Feature Purpose
  • Share with your facilitator and fellow students the animation coursework you create while completing learning tasks.
  • Get constructive feedback from your facilitator and fellow students to help you improve your animation skills and knowledge of animation principles and techniques.
  • Provide constructive feedback for your fellow students on their animation coursework.
  • Learn from different perspectives, techniques and creative solutions shared by fellow students.
Live Sessions
  • Get immediate feedback from your facilitator on learning tasks you are doing or about to do.
  • Make the most of real-time interaction to deepen your knowledge of your coursework and progress.
  • Learn from thoughtful perspectives, real-world experiences and creative solutions shared by your facilitator and industry experts.

Get Qualified!

A total of 120 credits are awarded for the course.

Each of the assessments are performance-based and must be completed in full.

Assessments are graded using a five-point scale, with Grade 1 being the lowest value and Grade 5 being the highest value awarded:

  • Grade 5 – Advanced
  • Grade 4 – Comprehensive
  • Grade 3 – Satisfactory
  • Grade 2 – Unsatisfactory
  • Grade 1 – Insufficient

Assessment grades within each module will be averaged to reach a final, overall module grade. You are expected to achieve an average overall grade of 3 or higher for each module to successfully complete the course and qualify for the New Zealand Diploma in Animation (Level 5).

Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.
Virat Kohli (international cricketer)
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Course Name
Diploma in Animation (Level 5)