
Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 06/20/2023 - 17:44
Sub Topics

Step into the world of animation in this module, where you’ll learn to use fundamental animation tools and work with image editing processes and software. You’ll also develop design knowledge and drawing skills and build your understanding of professional animation practices and production pipelines.

This module covers five topics:

  1. Observation Drawing
  2. Character Design
  3. Art and Animation Basics
  4. Compositing
  5. Creating Basic 3D Assets

The fine print

This module supports the following learning outcomes for you to achieve:

  1. Apply a range of technical skills consistently and with accuracy to a range of fundamental drawing, design, and animation briefs.
  2. Apply organisation, planning, self-management and respond to feedback while devising solutions to a range of creative drawing, design, conceptualisation and animation briefs.
  3. Self-reflect on own performance, progress, results and areas for improvement in relation to a range of fundamental drawing, design and animation briefs.

Choose your topics

You can choose any topic that matches your goals and interests as your entry point. Whether it’s the Observation Drawing topic or the Compositing topic, there’s a starting point for you.

Work through learning tasks in sequence

Once you select a topic, move from one learning task to the next in a logical sequence. This ensures you build upon your skills and knowledge gradually. You can dip in and out of topics but keep to the order of learning tasks within a topic.

When you focus on a learning task, read it carefully to check when you need to use a forum to share your coursework (e.g. image or multimedia files) with your facilitator and fellow students - you'll get specific guidance on how to do this. Using forums is a great way of improving your animation skills through constructive feedback and helps you keep track of your progress through this module.

Manage your time

Your learning

Choose and start your first topic in your first week.

The total learning hours of this module are 300 hours. That’s 30 hours per week, over ten weeks.

A diagram depicting module total learning hours

This includes you:

  • reading, watching, and completing learning tasks
  • participating in or viewing Live Sessions
  • preparing and completing assessments.

Learning hours are ‘facilitated asynchronous’, which means you complete your learning hours in your own time. However, you will need to be active in the Forums and Live Sessions.

Your assessments

You need to prepare your evidence for this module’s two assessments throughout the ten weeks. We recommend you start this preparation in your first week.

The weeks that your assessment work needs to be submitted are:

  • Week 4 – Assessment 1 (Workbook)
  • Week 10 – Assessment 2 (Portfolio)

Practice makes perfect

The practical nature of this module requires a high level of participation from you. Throughout your learning journey, focus on using the tools and resources in each topic as you work through the module.

Aim to complete all the learning tasks.

Doing so will:

  • help you practise and reinforce new skills and habits
  • prepare you for the assessments
  • make you feel more confident when completing assessment work.

The work you do by completing the learning tasks will prove very handy for the assessment work you need to prepare and submit.


Set yourself up for success

Ace your assessments by looking out for reflective questions you can ask yourself to help guide you towards providing the evidence you need to succeed in this course.

Look out for this REFLECTION label throughout this module, and start up on the path to success!

Module Linking
Main Topic Image
Group of casual artists working at desk in the creative office
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