Fitness in Action Understanding Anatomy and Physiology

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 08/04/2020 - 18:36
young asian man lifting barbell at the gym.
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This is Vinh....

Vinh is a personal trainer employed by Complete Fitness. He works predominantly with clients who wish to build muscle endurance and strength and increase muscle mass by using weights in their workouts. Vinh’s responsibilities include; evaluating clients’ fitness levels and health conditions, building individualised exercise programs, researching exercise techniques for specific goals, demonstrating and explaining exercises and their effect on the body, explaining and monitoring safe and proper use of gym equipment, and monitoring client progress.

How does understanding the principles of anatomy and physiology contribute to effective exercise techniques?

Knowledge of these principles leads to better understanding and safer movement of the human body. Better understanding of the body’s reaction to different exercises and the physiological changes that occur in the body during fitness and how to target these changes. How we can use science to increase safety and achieve optimum results. How to increase positive changes and decrease risk of injury.

What injury prevention techniques do you apply in planning and instructing a program?

I use a range of injury prevention strategies and resources. Like, pre-exercise health assessment tools, fitness testing, careful planning for specific needs, constant monitoring and observation, rest and intervals, variation and changing the focus of training. I have to ensure that my knowledge of professional practice is sound in relation to incorporating anatomy and physiology principles into fitness programming. I need to make a range of assessments into how these principles may be adapted or challenged safely, throughout the instruction provided to clients. The client has a fitness goal and I have to help them achieve it without injury.

How do muscular and skeletal systems respond to physical activity?

The short-term effects of exercise on the skeletal system include the start of bone remodelling (a process which repairs small damages and strengthens the bones to adapt to the demands of exercise) and bone strengthening. Over time, bone strength and density increase, circulation of blood and synovial fluid improves (the substance that lubricates your joints), and your strength and range of motion increases. Exercise increases your muscular strength, stamina and flexibility, decreases your risk of injury and falls. Strong muscles also help to support and protect your joints.

How did you become a personal trainer? What was the process?

I was always interested in sport and fitness, living a healthier, longer life and I wanted to educate other people about what I was learning. Lucky for me, my passion lead to a career in the fitness industry. First, I had to obtain a certificate in fitness. I learned first aid. I continue to study and keep my skills up to date. I registered with a fitness organisation for insurance, credibility, improved job prospects. I began by running my own personal training business with outdoor training of a few clients. But I kept applying for jobs at gyms and fitness centres. I continued my own business while working casually at a local gym and eventually I was offered this position at Complete Fitness.

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