Fitness in Action Working in The Sport, Fitness and Recreation Industry

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 08/04/2020 - 18:39
Man kayaking on a lake
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This is Cameron....

Cameron is an instructor and trail guide for Zen Kayaks, a kayak sale, hire, and tour company. The company is approved to provide kayaking journeys exploring more of the remote areas of Lake Manchester. Cameron leads small groups on early morning kayaking trips. The tours are designed to make the most of the beautiful mornings on the lake and exploring the surrounding national park. Tours are suitable for beginners to experienced kayakers. All tour prices include; fully qualified and experienced guides, equipment hire, basic paddling tuition, insurance and permit fees, light refreshments and a group photograph.

Zen Kayaks is an employer that operates within the Outdoor Recreation sector of the Sport, Fitness and Recreation industry.

What are some of the customer service practices that your company has implemented?

Interacting with different customers. Responding to client feedback. Complaint handling. Following up on client feedback. Recording communication outcomes between customers and the organisation.

How should a complaint be handled?

In order to handle a complaint, there are a few steps to be taken. First, apologise to the client for the reason for their complaint happening in the first place. Listen to the client to hear the whole story and to establish the nature of the complaint. Take steps to resolve the problem by meeting their needs, requests, and expectations, within reason. If you are unable to help, you will need to escalate the problem to a supervisor or management.

Throughout the entire complaint’s resolution process, you will need to ensure that you are keeping the client informed about what is happening. This is important to ensure that no information gets lost or forgotten and to let them know that you are actively trying to resolve the problem.

What are some of the codes of conduct in place to promote integrity and ethical practice?

Treating people with respect. Employees put this into practice by treating each other and our customers fairly and equally.

Working in a tight knit team and interacting with customers each day can become stressful. When challenging situations arise, employees who can control their emotions and actions exhibit self-control, preventing difficult situations from escalating into conflicts that disrupt workflow and threaten customer relationships and staff morale.

Having integrity. Customer service and sales staff, for example, truthfully represent a product line or services. They keep their word to their customers because it is the right thing to do and because their word is the company's word. Admit to a mistake if you have made one, never be arrogant or deceptive.

Can you list some of your day to day responsibilities?

  • Plan outdoor recreation activities and instruction programs.

  • Assess risks involved in an activity, taking into account the weather and different clients' abilities.

  • Conducting information sessions and safety briefings.

  • Lead, guide and teach people taking part in activities.

  • Organise safety procedures including checking equipment, running rescue practices, and providing first aid if necessary.

  • Prepare recreation areas by doing things such as signposting or fencing off paths and hazards.

  • Clean and store equipment after use.

  • Keep logbooks of trips.

  • Participate in daily team meetings.

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