Fitness in Action Participating in Workplace, Health And Safety

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 08/04/2020 - 18:42
instructor holding pen and clipboard standing near barbell weights rack.
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This is Daniel…

Daniel works as a health and fitness assistant for the YMCA. The organisation delivers multiple programs and services across many sites nationally. The health and wellness programs, incorporating indoor and outdoor activities, focus on health and fitness for people of all ages and abilities. The indoor training areas are kitted with multiple sports and fitness machines and other equipment. One of Daniel’s many responsibilities, is to contribute to workplace health and safety (WHS) by conducting periodic risk assessments and reporting them.

Could you briefly describe the process of conducting a workplace risk assessment?

Step 1 identify the hazards. Step 2 decide who might be harmed and how. Step 3 evaluate the risks and decide on precautions. Step 4 record my findings and implement them. Step 5 review the assessment and update if necessary.

What’s a hazard and how do you report hazards at work?

A hazard is a thing or situation that can cause you harm. It is every employee’s duty to report any identified hazards; instances of unsafe practice, broken machinery/equipment, or poor layout of furniture/equipment.

The first person I need to report a hazard to is my immediate supervisor. They will be responsible for organising the most appropriate personnel to handle the problem. As a team we then address any immediate safety concerns and ways we can mitigate the risks such as removing the hazard if possible, advising someone to stop continuing with the unsafe practice, barricading a hazardous area, unplugging or dismantling dangerous equipment, writing some safe operating instructions or installing signage etc.

Along with following my supervisor’s instructions, I would be responsible for completing a hazard analysis since I identified the hazard. This report is given to the administration team to be logged and documented in our WHS policy and communicated to all staff.

Can you describe an emergency situation that you have trained for? What is the procedure you would need to follow?

The main reasons for an emergency evacuation would be fire or gas leak. The procedure would be to alert everyone, set off the fire alarm, call 000 and request the fire brigade. If the emergency is a fire, then I would need to see if it can be controlled by using fire extinguishers and closing doors etc. However, my main task would be evacuating the building calmly and quickly. Listening to the instructions of Fire Wardens/Marshalls and moving everyone to the designated evacuation area. If there are people with sensory disability or physical disability they must be assisted or if they cannot be assisted down stairs, they must be moved to the fire exit and asked to remain there till rescue personnel reach them.

How do you apply WHS in your own job?

Take reasonable care for my own health and safety and for the health and safety of others. Comply with any reasonable instructions, policies and procedures provided by my employer. Report any unsafe practices or equipment. Participate in WHS meetings and inspections.

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