Deploying applications to AWS

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Thu, 06/29/2023 - 10:59

Deploying applications to the AWS Cloud is a critical step in leveraging the power and scalability of cloud computing. By deploying applications to AWS, businesses can ensure high availability, fault tolerance, and efficient utilization of resources. This topic explores the process of deploying applications onto the AWS Cloud, including the necessary housekeeping steps and a practical demonstration of a web application deployment.

The following aspects will be covered in this topic:

  1. Housekeeping steps for web app deployment on AWS: Before deploying a web application on AWS, certain preparatory tasks need to be undertaken. These housekeeping steps involve setting up the necessary AWS services, configuring security measures, defining deployment strategies, and optimising performance. Understanding and implementing these crucial steps are vital for a successful application deployment.
  2. Demonstration of a web application deployment on AWS: To provide a practical understanding of the deployment process, a demonstration of deploying a web application onto the AWS Cloud will be presented. This demonstration will walk through the step-by-step deployment process, showcasing the configuration of AWS services, defining infrastructure requirements, and deploying the application to ensure it is accessible to end users.

Let's start by delving into the housekeeping steps.

Sub Topics

Housekeeping steps for web app deployment on AWS involve a series of preparatory tasks that need to be completed before deploying a web application onto the AWS Cloud. These steps ensure that the application is set up correctly, follows security best practices, adopts efficient deployment strategies, and is optimised for performance. Understanding and implementing these crucial steps are vital for a successful application deployment. Please attend the scheduled tutorial for a step-by-step explanation of housekeeping steps.

Live Session Tutorial: Housekeeping Steps

Your tutor will facilitate an online class to demonstrate this process in a live setting. Please check 'Live Sessions' in your navigation bar to register and attend this session.

Step-by-Step Guide

Set up AWS Account: Begin by creating an AWS account if you don't already have one. This involves providing necessary details and setting up billing information.

Clearly define the requirements of your web application, such as the expected traffic, performance needs, data storage requirements, and any specific AWS services or integrations required.

Choose the AWS region where you want to deploy your application. Consider factors such as proximity to target audience, compliance regulations, and availability of AWS services in that region.

Create a VPC to isolate your application's network infrastructure from other resources in the AWS Cloud. Configure IP address ranges, subnets, route tables, and security groups to control inbound and outbound traffic.

Select an appropriate computing service like Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) or AWS Lambda based on your application's needs. EC2 provides virtual machines for more control, while Lambda offers serverless functions for event-driven architectures.

Implement robust security measures to protect your application and data. This includes configuring AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies, enabling multi-factor authentication, and using AWS Security Groups and Network ACLs to control access to resources.

Determine the storage requirements of your application. Choose suitable AWS storage services like Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) for object storage, Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) for databases, or Amazon DynamoDB for NoSQL database needs. Configure storage settings, encryption, and backup options.

Decide on the deployment strategy that best suits your application, such as blue/green deployment, rolling deployment, or canary deployment. Determine the release process, versioning, and rollback mechanisms.

Set up a domain name and configure DNS (Domain Name System) to point to your application. Use AWS Route 53 for DNS management and configure load balancing using services like Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to distribute traffic and improve availability and scalability.

Enable logging and monitoring for your application to gain visibility into its performance and troubleshoot issues. Configure services like Amazon CloudWatch to collect logs, monitor metrics, set up alarms, and enable auto-scaling based on demand.

Fine-tune your application's performance by implementing caching mechanisms, content delivery networks (CDNs) for static assets, and optimising database queries. Leverage AWS services like Amazon CloudFront and Amazon ElastiCache to improve response times.

Before deploying your application, thoroughly test it in a staging or testing environment. Perform load testing, security testing, and functional testing to ensure it meets the desired standards.

By following these housekeeping steps, you establish a solid foundation for your web application deployment on AWS. Each step contributes to the overall security, performance, and reliability of the application, ensuring successful deployment and operation on the AWS Cloud.

Please attend the scheduled tutorial for a step-by-step guide to the deployment process, showcasing the configuration of AWS services, defining infrastructure requirements, and deploying the application to ensure it is accessible to end-users.

Live Session Tutorial: Deployment Process

Your tutor will facilitate an online class to demonstrate this process in a live setting. Please check 'Live Sessions' in your navigation bar to register and attend this session.

Having completed the learning and being part of the demonstration for deploying applications to AWS you should now be ready for the following:

  • Review the recording of the Live Session and try deploying the same or similar web application onto the cloud itself
  • Continue working on the Project proposal section of the Assessment
  • Focus on the development and deployment tools needed
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