AWS Architecture Best Practices

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Thu, 06/29/2023 - 11:13

Building a well-designed and robust architecture is crucial for maximising the benefits of AWS cloud services. In this topic, we will explore the best practices for architecting applications and systems on the AWS platform. By following these best practices, you can enhance the performance, reliability, and security of your cloud-based solutions.

What will be covered:

  1. Green Computing for the Cloud: As sustainability becomes a global concern, we will examine how AWS supports the green computing initiative. We will delve into the sustainability pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework and explore strategies for optimising resource usage, reducing carbon footprint, and achieving energy efficiency in the cloud.
  2. High Availability and Fault Tolerance in the Cloud: Ensuring high availability and fault tolerance is crucial for maintaining uninterrupted service and minimising downtime. We will discuss various AWS services and architectural patterns that enable the design of fault-tolerant systems. Topics will include load balancing, auto-scaling, multi-region deployment, and the use of AWS services like Amazon Route 53 and AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
  3. Reliability on the Cloud: Data protection is a fundamental aspect of any architecture. We will explore best practices for backing up your cloud data and instances. Through practical demonstrations, we will cover techniques such as creating EC2 Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), taking database snapshots and restoring instances from backups. We will also discuss disaster recovery strategies and how to implement data redundancy for increased reliability.

By understanding and implementing these AWS architecture best practices, you will be able to design scalable, highly available, and resilient solutions in the cloud. You will gain the knowledge and skills needed to optimise resource usage, ensure data reliability, and align your cloud architecture with industry-leading standards.

Sub Topics

As the world grapples with environmental challenges, the concept of green computing has gained significant importance. Green computing focuses on reducing the environmental impact of technology by optimising resource usage, minimising energy consumption, and promoting sustainability. In the context of cloud computing, green computing aims to achieve energy efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint associated with running IT infrastructure.

AWS, as a leading cloud service provider, is committed to supporting the green computing initiative. Within the AWS Well-Architected Framework, the sustainability pillar addresses the principles and best practices for achieving environmentally friendly and sustainable cloud architectures.

To optimise resource usage and energy efficiency, AWS provides several services and features that enable users to design environmentally sustainable solutions:

A diagram depicting...
  1. Right-sizing: AWS offers tools and services to analyse and optimise the resource allocation of cloud instances. By choosing the appropriate instance types and sizes based on workload requirements, you can eliminate wastage and improve resource utilisation, thereby reducing energy consumption.
  2. Auto Scaling: AWS Auto Scaling allows you to automatically adjust the capacity of your applications based on demand. By dynamically scaling resources up or down, you can ensure that you only use the necessary computing power, minimising energy waste during periods of low demand.
  3. Serverless Computing: Leveraging AWS Lambda, a serverless computing service, enables you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. Serverless computing eliminates the need for idle server resources, leading to significant energy savings.
  4. Data Center Efficiency: AWS data centres are designed to be highly efficient and energy-conscious. They incorporate advanced cooling systems, use renewable energy sources where available, and employ energy-efficient hardware to minimise power consumption.
  5. Cloud Storage Optimization: AWS provides storage options such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier, which offer durability and scalability while optimising energy consumption. These storage services eliminate the need for physical data centres and storage infrastructure, reducing the environmental impact.

By implementing these strategies and utilising AWS services, you can contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to IT infrastructure. Green computing in the cloud not only helps reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions but also brings cost savings and operational efficiencies.

High availability and fault tolerance are key considerations when designing applications and systems in the cloud. The goal is to ensure that your services remain operational even in the face of failures, disruptions, or increased demand. AWS offers a range of services and architectural patterns that enable the design of highly available and fault-tolerant systems.

  1. Load Balancing: AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) distributes incoming traffic across multiple instances or services, ensuring that the workload is evenly distributed and eliminating single points of failure. ELB automatically scales with traffic fluctuations and provides high availability by seamlessly routing requests to healthy instances.
  2. Auto Scaling: AWS Auto Scaling enables you to automatically adjust the capacity of your applications based on predefined metrics such as CPU utilisation or request rates. By dynamically adding or removing instances, Auto Scaling ensures that your application can handle variations in demand while maintaining performance and availability.
  3. Multi-Region Deployment: AWS enables you to deploy your application across multiple regions to achieve geographic redundancy and fault tolerance. By replicating your infrastructure in different regions, you can mitigate the impact of region-specific failures or disruptions. Services like AWS Global Accelerator and Amazon Route 53 can be used to route traffic to the closest healthy region, ensuring minimal downtime and optimal performance.
  4. AWS Services for High Availability: AWS offers various services that inherently provide high availability and fault tolerance. For example, Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) provides automated backups, database replication, and automated failover to ensure data availability. AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) offers 99.999999999% durability and automatically replicates data across multiple availability zones.
  5. AWS Elastic Beanstalk: AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a platform as a service (PaaS) offering that simplifies application deployment and management. It automatically handles capacity provisioning, load balancing, and application health monitoring, allowing you to focus on your application code. Elastic Beanstalk ensures high availability by distributing the application across multiple instances and automatically scaling resources as needed.
  6. Disaster Recovery: AWS offers disaster recovery solutions such as AWS Backup and AWS CloudEndure to protect your data and applications from catastrophic events. These services enable you to create backups, replicate data across regions, and implement failover mechanisms to minimise downtime and ensure business continuity.

By leveraging these AWS services and architectural patterns, you can design highly available and fault-tolerant systems that provide uninterrupted service to your users. Understanding the concepts and best practices related to high availability and fault tolerance is crucial for maintaining reliable and resilient cloud-based applications.

Reliability is a critical factor in designing cloud-based architectures to ensure that applications and data remain accessible and recoverable in the event of failures or disruptions. AWS offers a range of services and features that support data protection, backup, and disaster recovery, enabling you to build reliable and resilient systems.

  1. Data Backup with EC2 AMIs: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides the capability to create Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) of your instances. AMIs are snapshots of the entire root file system, including the operating system, applications, and data. By creating regular AMIs of your instances, you can easily restore them to a known working state in case of failures. This ensures data integrity and minimizes downtime.
  2. Database Snapshots: AWS provides database services like Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), which allow you to take automated database snapshots. These snapshots capture the state of your database at a specific point in time, including all data and transaction logs. By scheduling regular snapshots, you can ensure that your data is protected and can be restored in case of accidental deletions, database corruption, or other issues.
  3. Instance and Data Replication: AWS offers services like Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) and Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) that provide data replication across multiple availability zones within a region. Replicating data across different zones ensures data durability and availability, even in the event of a zone failure. By leveraging these services, you can achieve high data reliability and minimize the risk of data loss.
  4. Disaster Recovery Strategies: AWS provides various disaster recovery services and features that enable you to design robust and resilient architectures. For example, AWS Backup offers centralised backup management for various AWS services, simplifying the process of creating and managing backups. AWS CloudEndure provides continuous replication and automated failover for physical, virtual, and cloud-based workloads, ensuring minimal downtime and fast recovery in the event of a disaster.
  5. Data Redundancy: Implementing data redundancy is crucial for ensuring high availability and reliability. AWS offers services like Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier, which automatically replicate data across multiple geographically distinct locations. This replication ensures data durability and accessibility, even in the event of regional failures or natural disasters.

By implementing these best practices and leveraging the robust backup and disaster recovery features provided by AWS, you can enhance the reliability of your cloud-based applications and ensure that your data is protected and recoverable. Regular backups, automated snapshots, and data redundancy strategies play a vital role in maintaining the reliability and integrity of your systems in the cloud.

Live Session Tutorial: AWS Best Practice

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Go through the AWS Academy Portal’s videos and the challenge questions of Module 9 (Cloud Foundations)

Cloud Foundations Module 9 – Cloud Architecture

This module includes the following sections:

  • AWS Well-Architected Framework
  • Reliability and high availability
  • AWS Trusted Advisor


As you have reached the end of the learning you should now be in the final stages of completion for your project. 

  • Complete project implementation, functional testing and bug fixing.
  • Complete the app’s deployment process.
    • Document the deployment process and errors encountered and fixed during the deployment process.
  • Update the project report with the deployment process.
  • Prepare your Final presentation. Complete and submit project report along with links to Github and UI/UX prototypes
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