Course Overview

Submitted by estelle.zivano… on Wed, 07/05/2023 - 08:23
Main Image
A counsellor with a serious expression talking to a client
The exact beginning of the counselling profession is unknown, but its roots may be found in a range of helping relationships that have spanned cultures and societies throughout the ages. 

Schmidt, 2008

Welcome to the Certificate IV in Mental Health! A career in the mental health industry offers an incredible opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals. Your dedication to studying mental health is not just a pursuit of knowledge but a commitment to compassion, understanding, and healing. Embrace this journey with open arms, for in your hands lies the power to bring light to darkness, hope to despair, and strength to vulnerability. Remember, every step you take in your studies brings you closer to becoming a beacon of support and resilience for those in need.

About this course

This qualification reflects the role of workers who provide services to clients in relation to mental health issues. They can provide counselling, referral, advocacy and education/health promotion services. These workers are required to have high level specialist knowledge, skills and competencies especially in regard to laws affecting people with mental health issues, the range of services available to them and health issues related to mental health.

Course Structure 

  • Study Periods - Your course is delivered in three (3) six-month study periods. Each study period will contain a number of modules that must be completed (see table below). At the end of each Study Period, you will be required to re-enrol in the next Study Period. 
  • Modules (Units) - This course is delivered in a modular format, each module will provide learning and skill development for a relevant subject area. The module is then broken down into topics and subtopics.
  • Readings - Each module will contain learning content on a specific topic that has been developed by Swinburne Open Education and the Australian Insititute of Professional Counsellors. Each topic is also supported by required readings, which,  for your benefit, have been included at the bottom of each Module. You will be guided in the learning content when and which reading to access.
  • Assessments - Each module will contain assessments for you to complete. Once you have completed the learning, activities and readings you will complete each assessment. All assessments must be completed and deemed competent to successfully complete the module (Unit).
  • Structured Workplace Assessment and Learning - To achieve this qualification, you must complete at least 80 hours of Structured Workplace Assessment and Learning (SWLA). 
Trigger warning

This course may include content that deals with sensitive and emotionally challenging topics. Some of the topics covered in this course may include trauma, abuse, addiction, mental health issues, and relationship difficulties. These topics may evoke strong emotions, memories, or reactions in some learners. It is important to prioritise your own self-care and seek support as needed. If you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, please do not hesitate to reach out to your trainer, student services or a mental health professional for support.

For more information about this qualification, click here to be directed over to the Training Gov Australia (TGA) Website.

Module Overview

The following table lists and describes the modules (units) you will be undertaking as a part of this course.

Before starting each module, it is important to establish regular time each week dedicated to your studies. A set routine is the best way to ensure you successfully complete your qualification.

To assist you in doing so, a Study Plan template (planning tool) has been developed for this qualification. Once you have downloaded this Study Plan, complete it and save it onto your computer. Please refer to the Orientation module, under subtopic 1.6.4, 'Self-Paced Learning' for more information on completing the Study Plan.

Module Order Module Unit Code Description
1 Work with diverse people CHCDIV001 Provides an in-depth exploration of the competencies and understanding necessary to engage in effective and inclusive interactions with individuals from diverse social and cultural backgrounds. It encompasses the capacity to demonstrate respect, sensitivity, and cultural competence when working with various groups, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities.
2 Manage personal health and wellbeing BSBPEF401

Provides a comprehensive understanding of the abilities and information necessary to recognize indicators and causes of stress that can impact personal health and well-being, encompassing both physical and mental aspects. It focuses on identifying these strains within job roles and aligning them with key performance indicators (KPIs).

The unit specifically targets individuals who work independently, possess exceptional communication skills, and apply their knowledge of organizational policies and relevant legislation.

3 Apply critical thinking to work practices BSBCRT411

This unit explores the skills and knowledge needed to apply advanced-level critical thinking in a professional environment. It encompasses the use of analytical, synthetic, and evaluative methods to assess work practices.

The unit is relevant to individuals who are tasked with evaluating current or proposed work processes, products, or services. These individuals are typically responsible for reviewing and developing practices within their organization, whether they are newly proposed or already established.

4 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety CHCDIV002

Explore the significance of understanding cultural safety issues in relation to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities within a workplace environment. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating cultural safety practices in one's own work and developing strategies to improve cultural safety.


The principles discussed are relevant to individuals in diverse roles, including those involved in direct client service, program planning, development, and evaluation. 

5 Work legally and ethically  CHCLEG001

In this unit, you will uncover the skills and knowledge required to identify and work within the legal and ethical frameworks that apply to an individual job role.

6 Participate in workplace health and safety HLTWHS001 Enquire the skills and knowledge required for workers to participate in safe work practices to ensure their own health and safety, and that of others. 
7 Recognise and respond to crisis situations CHCCCS019 This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to recognise situations where people may be in imminent crisis, and then to work collaboratively to minimise any safety concerns and make plans to access required support services.
8 Assess and promote social, emotional and physical wellbeing CHCMHS011 This unit explores the skills and knowledge required to work collaboratively with individuals to assess, promote and review all aspects of wellbeing.
9 Assess co-existing needs CHCCCS004 This unit provides the skills and knowledge required to assess the diverse and multi-faceted needs of people and determine both internal and external services required to meet those needs.
10 Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues CHCMHS005 In this unit, explore the skills and knowledge required to assess capacity to support people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues and to work collaboratively to provide support and facilitate links to other services.
11 Promote and facilitate self advocay CHCMHS008 This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to encourage, support and promote self-advocacy. The promotion and facilitation of self-advocacy contributes to a person’s self-determination, empowerment and right to make informed choices in regard to all aspects of their life.
12 Work effectively in trauma informed care CHCMHS007 This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to practice and contribute to the continuous improvement of trauma informed care within a service.
13 Provide recovery oriented mental health services CHCMHS003 This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work collaboratively in providing services to implement a range of strategies as part of recovery oriented service provision for people with mental illness.
14 Work collaboratively with the care network and other services CHCMHS004 This unit describes the skills knowledge required to work collaboratively with the care network and other potential services for a person with mental illness. This work provides a recovery oriented practice approach, involving a variety of health and community service professionals working collaboratively with the person and their care network.
15 Establish self-directed recovery relationships CHCMHS002 This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to promote the principles of recovery oriented practice, and to establish and confirm self-directed recovery relationships with people with mental illness.
16 Structured Workplace Learning and Assessment SWLA To achieve this qualification, you must complete at least 80 hours of Structured Workplace Assessment and Learning
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Course Name
CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health