Other Topics in AI

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Fri, 07/07/2023 - 19:17

In this section, we will delve into game theory (GT), NLP, and evolutionary computation (EC). These topics offer unique insights and applications within the realm of AI, showcasing the diverse and interdisciplinary nature of this field. By understanding game theory, natural language processing, and evolutionary computation, you will gain a more comprehensive perspective on the breadth and depth of AI and its real-world impact.

Sub Topics

Game theory is a mathematical framework that studies the strategic interactions between multiple decision-makers, known as players, in situations where their actions and choices impact each other's outcomes. It provides a systematic way to analyse and understand the behaviour and decision-making strategies of rational individuals in competitive or cooperative settings.

Game theory has a strong connection to AI because it offers a formal framework for modelling and analysing complex interactions. AI systems often involve decision-making processes, and game theory provides a set of tools and concepts to understand and optimize these decisions.

By applying game theory principles, AI researchers can analyse strategic situations, predict outcomes, and design intelligent systems that can make optimal decisions. Game theory helps in understanding the dynamics of multi-agent systems, where each agent aims to maximize its own utility or achieve a certain objective. It provides insights into cooperation, competition, negotiation, and bargaining strategies.

In the context of AI, game theory is applied in various domains, including economics, politics, social networks, cybersecurity, and even game-playing AI agents. It enables the development of algorithms and techniques that can reason about the behaviour of other agents and make intelligent decisions in complex environments.

The rules of games play a significant role in the context of AI methodologies. Games provide structured environments with well-defined rules and objectives, making them ideal testbeds for developing and evaluating AI algorithms and techniques. By studying and analysing the rules of games, AI researchers can create intelligent systems capable of playing and excelling in various game domains.

Games offer specific challenges and decision-making scenarios that require strategic thinking, planning, and adaptability. Understanding and modelling the rules of games allow AI agents to make informed decisions based on the current state of the game, available actions, and potential outcomes. This involves analysing the game tree, which represents all possible moves and their consequences, and applying algorithms to search for the best move or strategy.

Furthermore, games provide a competitive environment where AI agents can learn and improve through iterative gameplay. By observing the outcomes of different actions and strategies, AI algorithms can learn to optimize their decision-making process and adapt to changing game dynamics. This learning process can be facilitated through reinforcement learning techniques, where agents receive feedback in the form of rewards or penalties based on their actions' outcomes.

The relationship between game rules and AI methodologies goes beyond simply playing games. Game theory concepts, such as equilibrium analysis, Nash equilibrium, and cooperative game theory, can be applied to various real-world scenarios, including economic markets, negotiations, and resource allocation. The rules of games serve as a basis for modelling and analysing strategic interactions in these domains, enabling AI systems to make intelligent decisions and achieve desired outcomes.

Learning Activity

Research the terms Nash equilibrium and cooperative game theory to start building your knowledge.


Real-world examples showcase the practical application of Game Theory in AI across various domains. Here are a few notable examples:

Chess and AlphaZero

The game of chess has long been a benchmark for AI research. In 1997, IBM's Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov. More recently, AlphaZero, developed by DeepMind, demonstrated remarkable performance by learning the game from scratch and defeating world-class chess engines. These examples highlight how AI techniques rooted in Game Theory can achieve breakthroughs in complex games.


Poker and Libratus

Poker is a game of incomplete information and strategic decision-making. Libratus, an AI developed by Carnegie Mellon University, achieved significant success in playing no-limit Texas Hold'em poker against top human players. By employing strategies based on extensive game theory analysis, Libratus could effectively bluff, adapt its playstyle, and make optimal decisions under uncertainty.


Market auctions

Game theory finds applications in auction mechanisms. For example, the simultaneous ascending auction, also known as the combinatorial clock auction, is used in many countries for the allocation of radio spectrum licenses. Game theory models are employed to design auction formats that encourage efficient allocation and optimal bidding strategies.



Game theory is applied in the field of cybersecurity to understand and counteract malicious activities. It involves modelling the interactions between attackers and defenders as a game, where each side tries to outsmart the other. By analysing strategies and equilibrium points, AI systems can identify vulnerabilities, predict attack patterns, and develop effective defence mechanisms.


Traffic control 

Game theory techniques are utilized in traffic control systems to optimize traffic flow. By considering the interactions between individual drivers and the overall traffic congestion, AI algorithms can suggest strategies such as adaptive traffic signal control, route optimization, and congestion pricing to improve transportation efficiency.


These examples demonstrate the versatility of game theory in AI applications. By applying strategic thinking, decision-making analysis, and optimization techniques, AI systems can excel in various domains, solving complex problems and achieving optimal outcomes.

A close view of a person texting

NLP is a branch of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. It involves the understanding, processing, and generation of natural language text or speech. NLP plays a crucial role in AI as it enables machines to comprehend and communicate with humans in a more human-like manner.

The significance of NLP in AI lies in its ability to bridge the gap between human language and machine understanding. By processing and analysing vast amounts of text data, NLP algorithms can extract meaning, identify patterns, and derive insights from human language. This opens a wide range of applications and opportunities, including:

  • Language understanding: NLP enables machines to understand and interpret human language, allowing them to extract information, answer questions, and carry out tasks based on user queries. This is particularly valuable in applications like virtual assistants, customer support chatbots, and voice-controlled systems.
  • Sentiment analysis: NLP techniques can analyse the sentiment or emotion expressed in text, allowing businesses to gauge public opinion, customer feedback, and brand sentiment. This information can be used for reputation management, market research, and personalized customer experiences.
  • Machine translation: NLP plays a vital role in machine translation systems, enabling the automatic translation of text from one language to another. These systems employ sophisticated algorithms to understand the grammar, syntax, and semantics of different languages and produce accurate translations.
  • Information extraction: NLP can extract structured information from unstructured text data, such as extracting names, dates, locations, and other relevant entities. This information can be utilized for various tasks, including data mining, knowledge graph construction, and content analysis.
  • Text generation: NLP techniques like language modelling and text generation algorithms enable machines to generate human-like text. This is valuable in applications such as chatbots, content generation, and automated report writing.

Overall, NLP brings human language understanding and processing capabilities to AI systems, allowing them to interact with humans more effectively and perform tasks that require language comprehension. Its significance in AI lies in its potential to enhance communication, enable intelligent information retrieval, and facilitate a wide range of language-based applications.

Learning Activity

Find a real-world example of the use of natural language processing.

Processing natural language poses several challenges due to the complexity and ambiguity inherent in human language. Some of the key challenges associated with processing natural language include:

Diagram showing challenges with processing natural language
  • Ambiguity: Natural language is often ambiguous, with words or phrases having multiple meanings depending on the context. Resolving this ambiguity requires understanding the surrounding context and disambiguating the intended meaning.
  • Syntax and grammar: Natural language follows complex rules of syntax and grammar. Understanding and parsing these rules accurately is crucial for accurate language processing. However, the diversity of sentence structures and grammatical variations in different languages adds complexity to the task.
  • Semantics: Understanding the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences is a major challenge in NLP. Words can have multiple meanings, and the true meaning often depends on the context. Capturing and representing the semantic relationships between words and extracting their meaning accurately is a significant challenge.
  • Named entity recognition: Identifying and extracting named entities such as names of people, organizations, locations, and dates from text is essential for many NLP applications. However, the recognition and extraction of named entities can be challenging due to variations in writing styles, spelling errors, abbreviations, and linguistic nuances.
  • Sentiment analysis: Determining the sentiment or emotion expressed in text is a complex task. Understanding the tone, intent, and emotions behind words and phrases requires analysing linguistic patterns, idiomatic expressions, and cultural context.
  • Data sparsity: NLP often requires large amounts of data for training and building accurate models. However, data scarcity and the need for labelled data can limit the effectiveness of NLP systems, especially for specific domains or languages with limited resources.
  • Language variations: Natural language exhibits variations in vocabulary, grammar, and expressions across different regions, cultures, and social groups. Handling these variations and building robust models that can accommodate language diversity is a challenge in NLP.

Addressing these challenges requires the development of sophisticated algorithms, machine learning techniques, and deep learning models that can capture the complexities of natural language. Ongoing research and advancements in NLP are aimed at improving language understanding, disambiguation, and semantic analysis to overcome these challenges and enable more accurate and effective natural language processing.

When it comes to NLP tasks, there are areas where humans excel, while computers have made significant advancements in recent years. Here are some examples that highlight the differences between human and computer performance in NLP tasks:

While machine translation systems have improved, human translators still outperform them in terms of accuracy, fluency, and capturing nuances. Humans can understand the cultural context, idiomatic expressions, and subtle linguistic nuances that are challenging for machines to replicate accurately.
Determining the sentiment or emotion expressed in text can be challenging for both humans and computers. Humans often have a better understanding of sarcasm, irony, and other forms of nuanced expressions, which can influence sentiment. However, machine learning models can analyse large volumes of text data quickly, making them useful for sentiment analysis on a larger scale.
Humans can comprehend and summarize complex texts, distilling the key points and preserving the original meaning. Computer systems can generate summaries using algorithms, but they often struggle to capture the same level of understanding and coherence as humans.
Humans have the capability to understand and answer a wide range of questions based on their knowledge and reasoning abilities. While computers have made significant progress in question-answering systems (e.g. chatbots and virtual assistants), they still face challenges in comprehending complex and ambiguous questions accurately.
Humans have a general understanding of named entities and can recognize them in various contexts, even with limited information. Computer systems can perform named entity recognition tasks with high accuracy, but they rely on predefined rules and patterns or training on large, labelled datasets.
Humans possess background knowledge, common sense reasoning, and the ability to infer meaning beyond the explicit text. Computers, on the other hand, struggle with understanding context and making inferences based on world knowledge. Although recent advances in natural language understanding have improved computer performance, they are still far from human-level comprehension.

It is important to note that while computers may not match human performance in certain NLP tasks, they have the advantage of scalability, speed, and the ability to process vast amounts of data. Moreover, ongoing research and advancements in NLP, including deep learning techniques and pre-trained language models, are continually narrowing the gap between human and computer performance in various NLP tasks.

NLP involves various components that play crucial roles in language understanding and generation.

  • Tokenization: Tokenization is the process of breaking down text into smaller units called tokens, such as words or subwords. It helps in creating a structured representation of the text, which is essential for further analysis and processing.
  • Morphological analysis: This component deals with analysing the internal structure of words, including their inflections, prefixes, suffixes, and roots. It helps in understanding the grammatical properties and meanings associated with words.
  • Part-of-speech tagging: Part-of-speech tagging involves assigning grammatical tags to words in a sentence, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc. It helps in understanding the syntactic structure of a sentence and is useful for many NLP tasks like parsing, information extraction, and machine translation.
  • Named entity recognition (NER): NER aims to identify and classify named entities in text, such as names of people, organizations, locations, dates, etc. It helps in extracting specific information from text and is widely used in various applications, including information retrieval, question answering, and knowledge graph construction.
  • Parsing and syntax analysis: Parsing involves analysing the grammatical structure of a sentence and determining the relationships between words. It helps in understanding the syntactic rules and dependencies within a sentence, which is crucial for many NLP tasks, such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and text summarization.
  • Semantic analysis: Semantic analysis focuses on understanding the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences. It involves tasks like semantic role labelling, word sense disambiguation, and semantic parsing. Semantic analysis helps in capturing the deeper meaning and intent behind the text, enabling more advanced language understanding.
  • Sentiment analysis: Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, aims to determine the sentiment or emotion expressed in text. It helps in classifying text as positive, negative, or neutral and is used in applications like social media monitoring, customer feedback analysis, and brand reputation management.
  • Language generation: Language generation involves generating coherent and meaningful text based on given input or context. It includes tasks like text summarization, machine translation, dialogue generation, and text-to-speech synthesis. Language generation techniques use various approaches, including rule-based systems, statistical models, and deep learning methods.

These components work together to enable machines to understand and generate human language. Each component addresses different aspects of language processing, contributing to the overall goal of NLP, which is to bridge the gap between human language and machine understanding.

Watch the following video on NLP.

In NLP, both semantic and syntactic aspects of language play crucial roles in understanding and processing text. Here's a brief explanation of these aspects:

Semantic aspect

The semantic aspect of language processing focuses on the meaning and interpretation of words, phrases, and sentences. It aims to understand the intended message and the underlying concepts conveyed through the text. Some key components related to the semantic aspect include:

  • Word sense disambiguation: This component helps in determining the correct meaning of words with multiple possible interpretations. It relies on context and knowledge bases to resolve word sense ambiguity.
  • Semantic role labelling: Semantic role labelling identifies the roles played by words in a sentence, such as the subject, object, and verb. It helps in understanding the relationships between words and their associated semantic roles.
  • Semantic parsing: Semantic parsing involves transforming natural language expressions into structured representations that capture the meaning of the text. It helps in extracting structured information from unstructured text.

Syntactic aspect

The syntactic aspect of language processing deals with the grammar and structure of sentences. It focuses on the arrangement of words, phrases, and clauses to form grammatically correct sentences. Some key components related to the syntactic aspect include:

  • Parsing: Parsing involves analysing the grammatical structure of sentences and determining the relationships between words. It helps in identifying the syntactic roles and dependencies between words, which is useful for various NLP tasks.
  • Part-of-speech tagging: Part-of-speech tagging assigns grammatical tags to words in a sentence, indicating their syntactic categories such as noun, verb, adjective, etc. It helps in understanding the syntactic role of each word in a sentence.
  • Syntax tree: A syntax tree represents the hierarchical structure of a sentence, capturing the relationships between words and phrases. It provides a visual representation of the syntactic structure and is commonly used in parsing and syntactic analysis.

Both the semantic and syntactic aspects are essential in NLP as they complement each other in understanding and processing language. While the semantic aspect focuses on capturing the meaning and intent, the syntactic aspect ensures that the text follows the rules of grammar and syntax. By considering both aspects, NLP systems can achieve a deeper understanding of human language and perform more accurate language processing tasks.

A person using ChatGPT

The integration of computer vision techniques in NLP research has opened new avenues for understanding and processing textual data. By combining visual information with textual data, researchers can enhance the accuracy and richness of NLP tasks. Here are some ways in which computer vision techniques have been integrated into NLP research:

  • Image captioning: Image captioning is a task where a model generates a textual description of an image. By leveraging computer vision techniques such as object detection and image understanding, NLP models can generate more accurate and contextually relevant captions for images.
  • Visual question answering (VQA): VQA is a task where an AI model answers questions based on visual input. By combining NLP and computer vision, models can understand the content of an image and generate appropriate textual responses to questions related to the image.
  • Sentiment analysis with visual context: Sentiment analysis involves determining the sentiment or emotion expressed in a piece of text. By incorporating visual context from images or videos, NLP models can better understand the sentiment expressed in text by considering visual cues such as facial expressions or visual content related to the text.
  • Cross-modal retrieval: Cross-modal retrieval aims to retrieve relevant information across different modalities, such as text and images. By combining NLP techniques with computer vision, researchers can develop models that can effectively retrieve relevant images or text based on a query from the other modality.
  • Text-image generation: By leveraging computer vision techniques such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), researchers can generate realistic and contextually relevant images based on textual descriptions. This can have applications in various domains, such as generating images from textual prompts or enhancing the visual content of virtual environments.

The integration of computer vision techniques in NLP research allows for a more comprehensive understanding and processing of textual data. It enables models to leverage visual cues and contextual information from images to enhance various NLP tasks, resulting in more accurate and nuanced language processing capabilities.

How computer vision can help in NLP research

Computer vision can significantly enhance language understanding and improve the performance of NLP models in several ways:

  • Contextual understanding: By incorporating visual information from images or videos, NLP models can gain a deeper understanding of the context in which language is used. Visual cues provide additional contextual information that can help disambiguate the meaning of words or phrases. For example, understanding the visual context of words like "bank" (riverbank vs. financial institution) can improve the accuracy of language understanding.
  • Semantic enrichment: Computer vision techniques can enrich the semantic representation of textual data. By leveraging visual features and object recognition, NLP models can associate visual concepts with textual information, enabling more accurate and nuanced representations. This can improve tasks like sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, or topic modelling by incorporating visual cues.
  • Multimodal learning: Combining visual and textual data in multimodal learning approaches allows NLP models to learn from multiple sources of information. This can enhance the models' ability to understand and generate language by capturing both textual and visual patterns. Multimodal learning enables the models to generalize better and handle more diverse inputs.
  • Cross-modal retrieval: Computer vision techniques can facilitate cross-modal retrieval, where relevant information is retrieved across different modalities. For example, given a textual query, a model can retrieve relevant images or videos, or vice versa. This capability enhances information retrieval systems, recommendation systems, and content generation tasks.
  • Image captioning and visual question answering: By integrating computer vision and NLP, models can generate accurate and contextually relevant captions for images or answer questions based on visual input. This improves the ability of the models to understand visual content and generate coherent and meaningful textual responses.

Overall, computer vision enriches language understanding by incorporating visual context, enhancing semantic representations, enabling multimodal learning, and facilitating cross-modal retrieval. By combining the power of computer vision and NLP, models can achieve a deeper understanding of language and perform more complex language-related tasks effectively.

EC is a subfield of AI that draws inspiration from the principles of biological evolution to solve complex problems. It encompasses a set of computational methods and algorithms inspired by the process of natural selection, genetics, and evolution.

A diagram showing evolutionary computation

The underlying principles of EC include:

  • Evolutionary operators: EC algorithms use evolutionary operators such as reproduction, crossover, and mutation to create new candidate solutions. These operators simulate the mechanisms of natural selection and genetic variation to explore the search space and find optimal or near-optimal solutions.
  • Population-based approach: Unlike traditional optimization algorithms that operate on a single solution, EC algorithms work with a population of candidate solutions. This population represents a diverse set of potential solutions and allows for parallel exploration of the search space.
  • Fitness evaluation: The fitness function assesses the quality or suitability of each candidate solution within the population. It measures how well a solution performs with respect to the problem's objective or criteria. Fitness evaluation is crucial for the selection of individuals for reproduction and determining their contribution to the next generation.
  • Selection pressure: Selection mechanisms in EC algorithms favour the reproduction of fitter individuals while gradually reducing the presence of less fit individuals in subsequent generations. This creates a selection pressure that promotes the convergence towards better solutions over time.
  • Iterative improvement: EC algorithms iteratively generate new generations of candidate solutions by applying evolutionary operators and selecting the fittest individuals. The process continues until a termination criterion is met, such as reaching a maximum number of generations or achieving a satisfactory solution.

EC encompasses various subfields, including evolutionary algorithms (EA), genetic algorithms (GA), genetic programming (GP), evolution strategies (ES), and swarm intelligence. Each subfield applies the principles of EC in slightly different ways, adapting them to specific problem domains and optimization objectives.

EC has been successfully applied to a wide range of real-world problems, such as optimization, machine learning, scheduling, robotics, and design. It offers a flexible and robust approach to problem-solving, particularly in situations where traditional optimization techniques struggle due to complex search spaces or lack of explicit problem knowledge.

Evolutionary algorithms (EA), genetic algorithms (GA), and genetic programming (GP) are all subfields of EC that utilize the principles of natural selection and genetic variation to solve complex problems.

  • EA are a general class of optimization algorithms inspired by biological evolution. They work by maintaining a population of candidate solutions and iteratively applying evolutionary operators such as reproduction, crossover, and mutation to generate new solutions. EA aims to find the optimal or near-optimal solutions by iteratively improving the population through generations.
  • GA are a specific type of EA that applies the concepts of natural selection and genetics to solve optimization problems. GA uses a population of individuals represented as strings of genes, which encode potential solutions. Through selection, crossover, and mutation operations, GA explores the search space and evolves better solutions over generations. Fitness evaluation determines the individuals' fitness based on their performance, and selection biases the reproduction towards fitter individuals.
  • GP focuses on automatically evolving computer programs or mathematical expressions to solve problems. In GP, a population of programs or expressions is evolved through genetic operations such as crossover and mutation. GP uses a tree-like data structure to represent programs, where each node corresponds to an operator or a variable. By iteratively evolving and evaluating programs, GP searches for the most suitable program that solves a given problem.

Both GA and GP share common features with EA, such as the population-based approach, fitness evaluation, and the iterative improvement process. However, they differ in their representation of solutions and the specific genetic operators used.

EA, GA, and GP have found applications in various domains, including optimization, machine learning, data mining, robotics, and bioinformatics. They offer a flexible and adaptive approach to problem-solving, particularly in situations where traditional algorithms struggle due to complex search spaces, lack of explicit problem knowledge, or the need for automated program generation.

To find out more about EA and GA watch the videos below:

Here are some real-world examples where EC has been successfully applied:

  • Optimization problems: EC has been widely used to solve complex optimization problems in various domains. For example, in engineering, EC has been used to optimize the design of aerodynamic shapes, electrical circuits, and structural components. In finance, EC has been applied to portfolio optimization and trading strategies. EC has also been used in scheduling problems, logistics optimization, and resource allocation.
  • Machine learning: EC techniques have been employed in machine learning tasks, including feature selection, parameter optimization, and model generation. For example, in feature selection, EC can be used to automatically search for the most relevant features for a given problem. In model generation, EC has been used to evolve neural network architectures or decision tree structures to improve predictive performance.
  • Image and signal processing: EC has been applied to image and signal processing tasks, such as image denoising, image segmentation, and signal reconstruction. For example, EC algorithms can be used to evolve image filters or signal processing pipelines to enhance image quality or extract meaningful features.
  • Robotics and control systems: EC has been utilized in the optimization and control of robotic systems. It can be used to evolve robot behaviours, motion planning strategies, or control parameters. EC techniques have also been applied to the optimization of control systems in various domains, such as industrial processes and autonomous vehicles.
  • Bioinformatics and computational biology: EC has found applications in bioinformatics and computational biology, such as protein structure prediction, gene expression analysis, and drug discovery. EC techniques have been used to search through large solution spaces and identify optimal or near-optimal solutions for complex biological problems.

These examples highlight the versatility and effectiveness of EC in solving a wide range of challenging problems across different fields. The ability of EC algorithms to handle complex search spaces and generate innovative solutions makes them valuable tools in problem-solving and optimization.

Learning Activity

Find a real-world example of the use of EC.

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