Game On! Exploring the Business Side of eSports

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 07/11/2023 - 14:58
A successful entrepreneur knows that the best way to predict the future is to create it.
Peter Drucker

This module is one for the entrepreneurs! You will look at the core business concepts that underpin how the eSports industry makes money including what has worked in the past and how the industry is evolving due to new technologies.

You’ll get to experience how a great idea can be turned into a business proposal and how to present this to a potential investor professionally.

  • Types of businesses
  • Business planning versus marketing planning
  • Marketing and marketing strategies
  • Risk mitigation
  • Advertising
  • The art of business pitches
  • Career opportunities.
Watch: Module 4 eSports and Business Development (.049 seconds)

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Sub Topics
  • 4.1 Analyse revenue opportunities within esports
  • 4.2 Analyse risk mitigation within esports
  • 4.3 Apply teamwork skills to determine marketing strategies for an esports context
  • 4.4. Develop an eSport business proposal and present using appropriate modes and media

The following activity is designed to encourage you to set yourself some business-oriented goals. Setting goals plays an important role in success, you are responsible for your own goals therefore they should be used as motivation to see success.

Complete the portfolio documentation.

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A group of hipsters discussing business in a modern office space
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