Course Development Process

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Fri, 08/04/2023 - 13:26



Sub Topics

This process has been developed for Online Services (Internal) partnerships. The aim is to increase speed to market, create transparency in course development, and clarify roles and responsibilities.

The process consists of five (5) steps:

Step 1: Scope

Step 2: Structure

Step 3: Systems Set-up

Step 4: Storyboard

Step 5: Sign off

Here are the clear instructions for each step of the procedure:

New Partner

  1. Partner contacts Learning Development Co-ordinator requesting a product to be built on eddy.
  2. Learning Development Co-ordinator creates a new partner Teams. Adds stakeholders and advises the templates of the following forms are in the General folder:
  • Online Product request form, and
  • Course Scope document.


Existing Partner

  1. Partner accesses templates for the following forms are in the General folder:
  • Online Product request form, and
  • Course Scope document.

    Move to All Partners stage.


All Partners are the same from this point

  1. Partner meets with relevant stakeholders to complete the Course Scoping document (Marketing, Sales, Faculty and Delivery, Selma administrator).
  2. Partner completes the Online Product Request form. Submits it into the General Teams channel. Including required documents requested in the form, and the Course Scoping document. Tagging Learning Development Co-ordinator that it’s complete.
  3. Learning Development Co-ordinator sends sign off request in Sharepoint to Learning Development Director and organises a meeting to review the submission.
  4. Learning Development Co-ordinator notifies partner and advises of requirements to proceed. 

If rejected:

Learning Development Co-ordinator notifies partner and advises of requirements to proceed.

If accepted:

  1. Learning Development Co-ordinator plans timeframes and proposed schedule and shares in Teams channel it is ready for partner agreement.
  2. Administration Officer creates a new Channel within the relevant Teams for the course and loads the templates for Course Structure and Storyboards (Course Overview and Module). This channel automatically creates a Sharepoint folder.
  3. Learning Development Co-ordinator updates each Module in the Teams Channel to Structure.


  1. Partner will complete the Course Structure and Settings spreadsheet.
  2. Partner will upload completed document to Teams channel for the course and tag the Learning Development Co-ordinator that it is complete.
  3. Learning Development Co-ordinator reviews the structure to ensure fully completed.

If rejected:

Learning Development Co-ordinator notifies partner and advises of requirements and guidance to proceed.

If accepted:

  1. Administration Officer creates Asana project using details in the Course Structure Spreadsheet.
  2. Administration Officer sets up module folders in Course Channel using the Course Structure Spreadsheet.
  3. Learning Development Co-ordinator assigns Asana System Set-up task to Systems Administrator. 8. Learning Development Co-ordinator updates each Module in the Teams Channel to Systems Set-up.


  1. Systems Administrator builds CMS (taxonomy, course overview, modules and topics). Adding codes and ID’s to Course Structure and Settings spreadsheet.
  2. Systems Administrator builds LMS (publishes course and adds assessment placeholders).
  3. Systems Administrator builds draft in eddy CRM (course, modules and assessments). Adding codes and ID’s to Course Structure and Settings spreadsheet.
  4. Systems Administrator notifies Selma person and request Selma Assessment IDs in Teams channel.
  5. Once Selma CRM has been built they provide Systems Administrator with Selma assessment ID’s.
  6. Systems Administrator update Selma ID’s in eddy CRM and publishes in eddy.
  7. Systems Administrator completes tasks in Asana include the LMS link in the task. advises completion in relevant Teams Channel including an LMS link (tagging Everyone).
  8. Learning Development Co-ordinator updates each Module in the Teams Channel to Storyboard Pending. Eddy
  1. Partner will complete a Course Overview – Storyboard document for the course.
  2. Partner will complete a Learning Content – Storyboard document for each module.
  3. Partner will add the storyboards to the relevant Teams channel and tag the Learning Development Co-ordinator that it’s complete.
  4. Learning Development Co-ordinator QA checks the storyboard.
  5. If rejected the Learning Development Co-ordinator sends to the partner with comments and track changes and schedules a call offering further guidance on how to improve. Take the process back to Step 4, Stage 1.
  6. If accepted, Learning Development Co-ordinator updates the specific Module in the Teams Channel to Storyboard.
  7. In Asana Learning Development Co-ordinator assigns module to a Learning Designer to build H5P (embed code added into Storyboard), Assessments and Forum.
  8. In Asana the Learning Designer marks complete and Learning Development Co-ordinator does final review.
  9. In Asana Learning Development Co-ordinator assigns module to Digital Learning Designer.
  10. At completion of the work, the Digital Learning Designer assigns the task to Senior Digital Learning Designer for final review and completion.
  11. Administration Officer completes Quality Review Check form and uploads into Teams channel.
  12. Learning Development Co-ordinator updates the specific Module in the Teams Channel to Sign off.
  1. Learning Development Co-ordinator sends sign off request in Teams Channel to Partner delegate.
  2. Partner reviews the module in the LMS to approve the product to go-live. Updating sign off in Teams Channel.

If rejected:

  1. Partner meets with Learning Development Co-ordinator and Director of Learning Development to discuss.
  2. Learning Development Co-ordinator assigns in Asana to Digital Learning Designer with the relevant comments and timelines.
  3. At completion Digital Learning Designer marks as complete and it is picked up by Learning Development Co-ordinator for a final review.

If accepted:

  1. Learning Development Co-ordinator updates the specific Module in the Teams Channel to Complete.
  2. Repeat for all modules.
  3. At completion of all modules Learning Development Co-ordinator sends sign off request in Teams Channel to Partner delegate for the whole course and an end of project meeting is held.
Module Linking
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