One of the most underrated tools out there is the email and how to use it properly. I don't know if you know this, but an email signature distinguishes a professional email, usually from non-professional email use properly. It is a great tool to have and it is definitely one you should add to your mastered skills. So if we go to Outlook, this team I'm going to use today. First things first, we are going to have to write our email. As we know, we have all these options, which is basically to which people we are sending our emails. CC means carbon copy, which is to whom? We're going to send a copy of the email without them having the possibility of writing back. They're just going to be able to see the email but not follow up on that chain. And we can write anything we want. And then as soon as we have our email ready, we're going to add in a signature. So you. And once you have it, just need to go to sector and at the one that you just grade it. And there you go.