Hey, guys. How's it going? In today's lesson, we're going to review a little bit about Excel. And Excel is really important, and this is a really cool digital tool that you guys can use now and forever. Basically, Excel is just a software. It was created for storage and that's how analysis this means that it is an amazing tracking tool that you can use to understand the numbers behind. Let's begin by understanding what is Excel and how does the program works. Any new Excel document is called the Workbook. These workbooks have sheets or spreadsheets at the bottom of the page. As you can see here. There's sheet one if you want. If you can at any if you want, and you can rename those as you want. The software works basically on cells. And the cells work with columns which go to A to infinity and rows, which go to one to infinity. And for the program to recognise a cell. The program will recognise each cell as a row and a column. Alright. So if I mark, for instance, this cell right here, the program will understand that this cell is cell C 4 C 4 here, C here they intersect on the cell. So this is how the program will read it. So in order for us and the system to identify any cell, we need to make sure to give the software the right cell location. So now, once we have decided how do we want to store our data. Let's do like a quick example here. Let's say let's put any name in here. I'm just going to go ABC, the A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K. And I'm just going to give a random value to each from 1 to 10. One. Alright. So once you have decided how to store your data, which, by the way, I will always recommend you guys to use tables to store your letter to that is just left click drag the area that you want to use the table and hit table. Okay. No, you go. Your data is much better stored. You can change yours and you can organise it and sort it the way you want it. There's a much easier way to store data, to be honest. So there is a way, as we mentioned before, Excel, not only it's not only used to store data, it is also used to analyse data. Alright. And in order to do so, you will need either formulas and you can extract those formulas from the Internet. From basics to the technology knowledge from books. Or you can use A.I. or add-ins In this case, we're going to use add ins. So you can have like just a quick glimpse, a quick look of what data analysis is like with the information that we have digitally on the spreadsheet. So in order to do so, we will go to insert we'll go to add-ins. And we are going to look for a free to use tool called Tool Pack. And we're going to hit add, just agree. Cool. And right after its download and added to our software, we'll see all these sorts of tools that we can use with Tool Pack From single factor identification to history to sampling to test, these are statistical tools that we can use. Alright. So I think the one that we are going to use the most would be descriptive statistics. And in here, the computer is asking us our input range. So which are the values that we are going to have into consideration before we make the descriptive statistics. And for this, we just need to hit the cell that we want and drag the rest of the cells that also identify with the input range. And I would automatically identify from the cell B2 B2 till the one I drag, which is B17, as you can see here, B17. You will get these numbers and then we'll set up our output range. So this is basically where do we want this software to throw the information analysis. And we're just going to click in here and going to hit. Okay. And it will take a little bit, but it will throw us. Statistics, information and statistical information about our graph, our column, created. And it will give us from the mean to the aviation standard to the median, to the mode, to the standard deviation, to the sample, to the range, to the minimum value, to the maximum value, to the sum of everything that is really useful to the count of how many people, which basically are letters are, which is the largest value, which is the smallest value, and what's the confidence level. So these are basic statistics, concepts that we can use in less than 3 minutes. This, these are really easy and a really fast way to analyse data in Excel using spreadsheets with no previous need or experience in Excel. If you want to look further on in Excel, you're more than welcome to do so. I think we left you a couple of links that you can use to find formulas and find good tools or options that you could be using further on throughout your career. I hope you like I hope you guys like this video. See you soon.