I like to be inside. Like, yeah, you may like to be inside, but you crave social structure. You crave that social connection. That's why you're all the time on Discord. Oh, that's why all the time, like playing with your friends, most of gamers play with friends. They don't play by themselves. Um, and there is a big, big issue to address here when it comes to social, becoming social and and mingling socially, not only from inside of your household but outside of it as well. Right? So I think I think this is really important because it's we are basically designed to socialise our whole structure, our whole social structure as as animals like we are we are, we are social. That's it. We're social. And most people don't understand that in order for you to unlock different skills that are required for our society, you need to be social. I'm not saying that you need to go out, but I am saying that you need to go to be social. I'm saying that you need to push those social boundaries with people, interact with people, understand people. You need to network your way through life, not necessarily for a job, but you need this social bonding, this constant reinforcement and this constant the constant shape of shaping of skills. And most gamers lack of this social mingling because they put it they they put introversion as an excuse. But the reality is that they are only feeding their own isolation. And this is terrible. And this is where most of the psychological problems, I think, start to flourish over time. When someone isolates themself, they take a look at what happens when you isolate any sort of animal. We we go crazy. I that's it. We we tend to be more aggressive. We tend to we like distance. We tend to like more going say like. More sensitive to things. We overreact. And you can see this happening already throughout the Internet, not not specifically in video games, but you can see this happening throughout the Internet because people lack social conducts. If you were living if you were living like all the time with your family, for instance, you know how to behave with your family, right? You know, you know that you can't swear when everyone's eating, you know, that there's like an ethic, that there's a code to follow, right? And you respect that code because you are part of your family, right? Same thing goes with people that are social and people that are not, people that are not mingling, they're not socialising. They don't respect these boundaries because they are not aware of them and they are not aware of them because they don't know about them. They are not aware of them because they haven't practised them, because they haven't had the chance to practice the social boundaries. And and it is important for us not only as gamers, but I would ask people to socialise, socialise and seek these experiences in order for us to become better persons, in order for us to to hone or create new skills that will add up to who we will become.