In this final video, we're going to create the landscape elements for our garden. I turned off the 3D buildings to make it a bit easier to operate. The first thing we're going to do is edit our ground plane group. We know that this area in the corner is going to be recessed by about 150 mms. So we're pushing that down. Just confirming that this is all editing the correct tag and group. Now we're going to make a few tweaks to the edge of this recessed area. Im using the Paint Bucket tool just to apply the right textures. Now Exit out of that group and I'm going to draw some rectangles for our garden beds. Okay. This one there are two of the same size garden beds. So we're actually going to going to create a tag for our hard landscaping. And then because we're going to make a copy of this one. we're going to turn it into a component rather than a group. Edit that group and push it up by 600mm, offset the face by 100mm, and then push the middle part down by 50 and paint that in with a vegetation texture. Now move a copy across. And now we're going to create these two other planter beds, which are a bit thinner. So follow the same process. Component. Tag it. Colour it. Edit it. Let's get a brown texture. Now we're going to make a copy of it, and we're going to make this next one a unique copy so that we can edit it without changing our first component. Click Make Unique. And now this one is a new editable copy. Going to repeat this process for the front planter. And then we're going to extrude or push up the deck and the stairs of the main house. Now we're going to create a blocking model for our fence. This doesn't need to be highly accurate. It's just to show you the shape and form of it. If you apply a texture to the group outside of the group, it will apply to all faces. If you apply it inside the group, it will do it one face at a time. You're gonna create a 3D model of the hedge. And now we're going to bring in some low polygon, which is oversimplified 3D models of plants from the 3D warehouse. Millions of models in the 3D warehouse. But we're going to start off by getting some low polygon simplified plants. We'll use this first set. Click the download button to bring that model into our model. It can take a wee while to load. But in a moment there is trees and shrubs will appear. Click once to place them off to the side. And then it's simply a case of clicking on this group of trees. Exploding it to make them individual editable models and copying. Use the Move and Copy tool to bring those across into your drawing into your model. Use the move, scale and rotate tools to get them into the right place. And we're done.