So how about now, we use Canva to create an animation? Let's get to it. So we just need to go to And for the ones that haven't used this program or don't know how it works, Canva is a free to use app. Layering graphic design program. So the first thing I'm going to do is just heading to create our own design. The only thing that you need to do to do this, of course, is logged in which you can use any email account to do so. And we're going to go to video. We're going to create a short video, couple of seconds, really. And let's see, I want to create something like lightning now. I want to create the concept of lightning. We're just going to copy it several times. We're going to modify it. Again, we're going to flip it over essentially is a nuance drive. Perfect. Now it looks a little bit more like lightning. Cool thing about Canva. It allows you to put several layers into the same video, so we're going to do that. In this layer over here, It's going to be our white like. The lightning will make everything white for a fraction of a second. We're just going to send it forward. It's really intuitive. Cameras are like really intuitive tools. And now we have this for one second. We're going to change this because this is one second. Again, this needs to be .1. Cool. Now we're going to do the same. All the lightnings are in the same position. So how do we change this? Now I'm just going to quickly download Thunder MP three audio and I'm going to go to Canva. And now we have our own animation. Let's see how it looks. How cool is that? So you can animate things in Canva and you can do this for absolutely everything and you can create your own animations and even your own clips using Canva and being creative around it. I hope you guys like this and I cant wait to see your creations into the forum posts. I'll see you guys soon.