Course Overview

Submitted by Ruchi.Makkar@e… on Tue, 04/09/2024 - 18:32
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Module Overview

The following table lists and describes the modules and the units that you will be undertaking as a part of this course. Before getting started with each module, it is important to establish regular time each week dedicated to your studies.

Having a set routine is the best way to ensure you are successful in completing your qualification.

To assist you in doing so, a Study Plan template is a planning tool that has been developed for this qualification.

Once you have downloaded this Study Plan, complete it and save it onto your computer. Please refer to the Orientation module, under subtopic 1.6.4, 'Self-Paced Learning' for more information on how to complete the Study Plan.

Module Unit code and title  Description
1 ICTICT451 Comply with IP, ethics and privacy policies in ICT environments This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to comply with the protection and lawful use of intellectual property (IP) and to implement relevant organisational ethics and privacy policies.
2 BSBPEF402 Develop personal work priorities This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan and prioritise own work tasks. It also addresses the skills and knowledge to monitor and obtain feedback on personal work performance.
3 BSBXCS402 Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practices This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to promote cyber security in a work area.
4 ICTICT428 Select cloud storage solutions This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to select cloud storage solutions based on the analysis of organisational requirements. It includes the development of implementation strategies to ensure that the organisation is prepared for the implementation of the selected cloud storage solutions.
5 BSBCRT404 Apply advanced critical thinking to work processes This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use advanced-level critical thinking skills in a professional context. This includes using methods of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
6 ICTSAD502 Model data processes This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to gather process data and business information in order to model data processes within an organisation.
7 BSBXCS403 Contribute to cyber security threat assessments This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support maintaining a cyber secure network through identifying cyber security threats for an organisation.
8 BSBXCS404 Contribute to cyber security risk management This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to cyber security risk management, which includes assisting in developing and managing associated risk management strategies.
9 ICTICT443 Work collaboratively in the ICT industry

This unit describes the skills required to work collaboratively in virtual Information and Communications (ICT) team environments to achieve organisational objectives. It includes contributing to performance and capability within teams, participating in team activities, exchanging knowledge and skills and providing support to team members.

10 ICTPMG411 Support small scale ICT projects

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support the management of low risk, straight forward Information and Communications Technology (ICT) projects within an organisation.

11 ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to ensure information and communications technology (ICT) products and systems match the strategic direction of the organisation.

12 ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify emerging technologies and practices in the ICT sector and evaluate their potential impact on organisational practices.
13 ICTPRG302 Apply introductory programming techniques This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create simple applications through introductory programming techniques.
14 ICTSAS530 Use network tools This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to select, operate and test an array of networking tools to maintain high security networks.
15 ICTSAS432 Identify and resolve client ICT problems This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify, record, prioritise and resolve client Information and Communications Technology (ICT) support activities and escalate as required.
16 ICTCYS407 Gather, analyse and interpret threat data This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to gather data from various sources, analyse, and interpret information for threats, inconsistencies and discrepancies.
17 ICTNWK422 Install and manage servers This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to install and manage a server. It includes the ability to conduct initial configuration and testing, administration, software distribution and updates, profiling and troubleshooting.
18 ICTICT435 Create technical documentation This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create technical documentation that is clear and understandable for the target audience and both easy to navigate and apply.
19 ICTSAS441 Support ICT system software This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support Information and Communications Technology (ICT) system software through the management of ICT system files, management of ICT system security, ICT system backups and ICT system restores.
20 ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to utilise networking fundamentals, including wide area network (WAN) technologies, basic security, route and switch operations as well as to configure simple networks.
Course Publish
Course Name
ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology