Fitness in Action Instructing Personal Training Programs

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Fri, 10/23/2020 - 01:21

Male personal trainer instructing a female client who is using a barbell

Meet Mark (and Stephanie) ...

Mark works for Fitness Connection which is a large urban fitness centre catering to many different clients. He is a Personal Trainer and provides one-on-one fitness sessions for approximately 20 clients a week. 

Is personal training worth the expense?

Well, I think so, but I may be a bit biased. However, in all seriousness, yes I think it is for certain people. Most clients thrive with the one-on-one attention they receive and targetted exercise program. The constant source of education, technique correction, and motivation can work wonders and help them to achieve goals and see amazing physical adaptations sooner. For some clients, it is the only way they are motivated to attend regular exercise sessions. Left to their own devices they have tapered off their attendance after a few weeks and not achieved the results they wanted. Personal training provides some incentive to attend because there is a scheduled appointment and someone is waiting to see you.

What sort of routines do you do as part of your personal training sessions?

It all depends on the client and their specific goals. I work with them to plan out a series of SMART goals and then we steadily work towards them. Some of my clients are professional sports athletes so we work on techniques that will improve their competition performance, others are looking to lose weight, and some are just trying to improve their overall health and wellbeing. I have young clients and older clients, male and female. Most clients participate in some form of cardiovascular exercise alternated with resistance style training. Because this fitness centre is so large we have a lot of equipment to utilise including free weights, gym machines, and a variety of balls, bands, and benches. There is also quite a lot of space to ensure we have a quiet area to train.

How often do you review client programs?

Every three months, as a formal appraisal and review. However, because it's personal training and they have my undivided attention for each session there is ample time to make minor adjustments during or immediately after a session which allows for a much more personalised and targetted experience. At the formal appraisal and review sessions, I will take measurements, compare them to previous statistics, work with the client to update goals, review the program as a whole, and celebrate their wins.

Are all your sessions conducted indoors within the gym facility?

No, sometimes I will take a client outdoors, especially if the weather is nice. We have to get the appropriate waiver forms completed because of insurance and ensure council permits are completed but its usually not a problem. For some clients, its more appropriate, especially the runners, they often don't like using a treadmill for extended periods of running. 

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