Creative Brief and Brand Platform

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Fri, 03/04/2022 - 14:31
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Watch the video below to learn how to write a creative brief and create a brand platform

Creative Brief  is a document that is used to outline the strategy of a creative project. It contains project's details, including its purpose, goals, messaging, different types of audience you're going to target that contains an insight that will enable you to uniquely position your brand. It contains a single minded thought that the creative project needs to communicate a brand platform.

Brand Platform is your brand big idea. How do you generate this big idea? There are four components you have to think about, research, reference, insight and idea.

  1. Research into the industry, competitors, and those who are doing great in the industry.
  2. Reference is finding work from the industry that inspires you.
  3. Insight for this part is not the same with your insight from Key to Brand. This should come from your research and it should be based around the type of references that you've drawn your inspiration from.
  4. Once you are done with the first three, it is now time to structure up your idea.

Please see below two examples of Creative Briefs:

Nike Creative Brief

Red Bull Creative Brief

Write your own brief, (use this template  if you’d like,) save it into your Google Drive, and hyperlink it to your thread in the Module 1 Practicals Forum.



  1. Complete a big idea pitch with your creative brief using this template (include images that you would post with FB Ad)
  2. Pitch this idea via a recorded  Zoom video call, share the screen and record the session
  3. Upload or link your Zoom call recording to your thread in the Module 1 Practicals Forum.
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